18 Wicked witch

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Damian POV

"Call yourself my mother again and I'll personally ensure that you go back to hell," Prue growled next to me as she took a step toward the woman.

She looked exactly like I imagined such a woman to look. Overly blond hair in an updo, she wore an overly expensive pantsuit, pearl jewelry and a designer handbag that could easily have bought a car.

"Well young lady... I see your behavior is still that of a spiteful teenager. And your manners are even worse. Aren't you going to introduce me to the young man?" she replied.

"I don't intend to. You are not a part of my life, so there is no reason why I should introduce you to an important part of it," Prue said.

"Important part, huh? Well, in that case... Young man, you should think very carefully if she is worth wasting your time on. She's no good. Not in any way. You see how she treats her family. In addition, if you plan to have a family with her yourself, you should know that Prudence is as sterile as an empty egg carton. I'm sure you could find a better match. After all, you wouldn't be the first man to leave her," Mrs. Perry replied.

Her voice dripped with such an excess of hate and loathing that it made me feel sick. I would have loved to punch her in the face.

"Oh you wicked witch! Is it no longer enough for you to ram your claws into my father? Now you're trying to mess with my life too? What's the matter? Are you starting to lose control of Dad?" asked Prue.

At that, she was almost in the woman's face. I pulled her back a little. Because I didn't want her to get in trouble.

"Easy, baby girl. She's not worth it. Let us go." I said to her as I stood in front of her.

"Aww isn't that adorable? He's protecting you.... for now... Maybe he's not the toy but you are.... A little sex toy. You're good enough for that, for nothing else." the witch replied.

"Oh you bitch!" screamed Prue, wanting to pounce on her.

I grabbed her from behind. The last thing I wanted was for her to hurt herself.

"Calm down. Don't let her provoke you. You know you're better than her. Don't let her get in your head." I said quietly to Prue as I turned her to face me.

"I'm already in her head. Some things will never change. I took her beloved daddy away from her. But the truth is he couldn't stand how much the twins resembled their mother. So easy to manipulate. A piece of cake.

Just as easy to convince her husband to leave. Because a grandchild was the last thing we needed." Mrs. Perry hissed as her mask slipped.

So that was the reason. She was jealous of her husband's children. She was truly the devil incarnate.

Prue looked up at me and I saw that she had the same thought as me. That it was all just a game to this woman from the beginning.

Then she turned around and I knew there was nothing more I could say or do. Prue was already clenching her fist. But what we didn't see coming was that her stepmother was faster. She slapped Prue hard. Her head snapped to the side. I managed to catch her just in time before she could hit the ground.

I straightened her up and looked at her. The large ring she was wearing had immediately left a mark on Prue's face. A welt that immediately began to bleed.

"Oh God, Prue." I said in shock.

I had not seen it coming that things would escalate like this. 

"What's the matter, Prudence? You wanted to be a wrestler.... You can't even take a punch." laughed the woman and raised her hand again.

This time she was going to punch her in the neck for sure. I was about to stop her, but another hand beat me to it. He stopped her in mid-motion.

"What the hell are you doing here?" asked Steven Perry as he yelled angrily and at the same time stunned at his wife.

He still had a firm grip on her wrist as she looked up at him. She looked like she had been caught stealing chocolate.

"That's not what it looks like, honey. She started it," Mrs. Perry said quickly.

"Don't you dare lie to me. I've seen it all. Every word I heard. You hit my daughter! How could you, Tiffany? Prue, are you okay?" he then replied.

"Yeah I guess so..." muttered Prue.

"Damian, please be a good man and take her to the doctor. I need to have a word with my wife." he said addressing me.

"Will do Sir, come on baby girl." I replied.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'll be right with you." he then said addressing Prue.

That was not at all how we had imagined today. We really should have stayed at the hotel. Then we would be cuddled up together watching a movie and Prue wouldn't be hurt.

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