28 Can't fool you

389 18 13

Prue POV

I sat on the floor in the bedroom and packed everything I would need into my suitcase. Damian had already finished his a while ago. Therefore, he was now downstairs to make us a coffee.

We waited more or less impatiently for news from my sister. Unfortunately, it was not possible for us to get a flight immediately as I would have liked. Therefore I had no other choice but to wait here until it was time. I checked my phone every 5 minutes to see if the baby had arrived.

"Here you go." said Damian when he came back and handed me a mug.

"Oh thank you. I need that now!" I replied before blowing on the hot coffee before taking a sip.

"Blah! What's that? Did you make me decaf? Are you trying to poison us?" I asked as I gulped down the disgusting tasting concoction.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." replied D as he tried in vain to sound innocent.

"Yeah sure... That stuff tastes like poison. I know my coffee." I said, setting the mug aside.

"Okay fine... I thought it would be a good idea if you passed on that. For our baby's sake. You know the doctor said-" he began.

"That a cup a day is perfectly fine. I was listening you know..." I interrupted him before going to kneel and take his mug.

"Ah... much better... You know that's really mean when you want me to drink the dirty water but you have the real deal? Either we both do without or you let me drink my one coffee a day, mister." I said then.

"All right... I surrender. But I don't want to hear a word when the baby is born with two heads." he replied with a laugh.

"I promise." I laughed and drank the real coffee before continuing to pack.

"Wow... you didn't happen to over do it just a little bit?" he wanted to know when he saw that my suitcase was actually filled almost exclusively with stuff for our niece.

"No... I don't think so! It could have been a lot more." I replied as I let my eyes wander over the items.

"I can just imagine how much you're going to buy for our baby.... Oh and Rhea probably too." Damian laughed.

"Quite possibly... Oh and not a word about our miracle. This visit is supposed to be all about them and the baby. I don't want it to seem like I'm trying to steal Felicity's thunder." I said.

"Good luck with that. She just needs to look at you and knows what's going on. Like you did with her." he said.

"Oh... I hadn't thought about that..." I admitted.

But then my phone beeped. It was a photo of my newborn niece and she was so perfect.

"Oh my God...." I whispered as tears welled up in my eyes.

"What a cute baby." said D as he looked at the picture too.

"They'll probably be home by the time we get there," I said.

I was surprised they didn't tell us the little ladies' names. But knowing my sister, there was a reason for that. Maybe it was a special name and she wanted to see my face.


The next day we finally arrived at Felicity and Lamar's house. After we landed, she had texted me that they were on their way home.

I was so full of anticipation that I was almost shaking. Damian rang the doorbell and it wasn't long before Lamar opened the door. He was so proud. He was beaming all over as we hugged him and congratulated him again.

"They're in the living room, Prue, and they can't wait to see you," Lamar then said.

We quickly went into the powder room that was right next to the front door to wash our hands. Then we went in. It was the most beautiful sight I could imagine. My sister with her daughter in her arms.

"Hey Mama... How are you? Hello princess... I'm your auntie..." I said after giving Feli a kiss on her forehead and sitting down next to them.

"Tired and sore, but I'm glad to see you.... So how do you like your niece?" she replied.

"She's so beautiful of course. But what's her name?" I wanted to know.

"This is Bria Catherine Johnson." said Felicity.

"Really? Aww that's amazing. Mom would be so proud and so honored to hear that her granddaughter has her name as her middle name." I replied as she very gently placed the baby in my arms.

"I certainly hope so... And maybe you could do the same..." she said with a knowing look.

"I should have known I wouldn't be able to fool you. D? Could you get the ultrasound pictures out of my purse?" I replied with a laugh and a shake of my head.

"I'm your twin... Of course I knew it. Congratulations..." she said softly before giving me a kiss on the forehead as well.

As Felicity looked at our baby in the pictures and the men talked quietly I looked at the baby in my arms. Every detail of this beautiful little girl. I gently stroked her cheek with my index finger.

Part of me still couldn't believe that in about 7 months, me and Damian could call such a tiny creature ours. I could already imagine our two little ones playing together. Time would surely pass quickly, but then again certainly not quickly enough.

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