The Accident ~ Matt

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*^Taken from Matt's Instagram. Requested by aroundtheworldx2 and y0ursodark for Matt's reaction to the accident mentioned in previous chapters^*

Ella's P.O.V

I watch the time on my phone as my sister promised when she came home after being at her boyfriend's house, we'd watch Gilmore Girls tonight as we're obsessed but we promised to watch it together. 

I sit downstairs on the couch, sighing a little as I press play on the next episode and I'd figure I'd tell Ariana when she comes home or rewatch the episodes. I fall asleep on the couch, on the fifth episode of the second season when Jess is introduced to the cast and he's this strange, mysterious, Luke's nephew. I wake up, shortly after to Lorelai and Sookie arguing about something. I looked at my phone and saw that it was half past four in the morning and Ariana still wasn't back yet or she would have woken me annoyed that I watched episodes without. I quickly call Chris to check that Ari is still at his place "El, what's up?" Chris answers chirpy, "You know it's four thirty in the morning?" I ask surprised he was this awake in the middle of the night "Yeah, but you called me. What's up?" He asks again "Right, is Ari there? She hasn't come home yet" I say trying to stay calm and hope that she is at her boyfriend's place. "No, she left about twenty minutes ago. Left here screaming at Matt" He says relaxed "Twenty minutes ago?" I ask as we're only fifteen minutes from the triplets.

I grab my dad's keys and rush out to his car, frantically trying to get the keys in and the lights before backing out of the driveway and starting the drive to the Sturniolo's, hoping she had just turned around and was going back to Matt's but that thought very quickly left my mind...

Third Person's P.O.V

Ella pulled to the side of the road, put her hazards on and rushed over to her sister's crumbled car on the driver's side to see what had happened to her twin sister. 

"Matt! Get up!" Chris says frantically, bursting into his room, switching the light on and shaking him violently awake. "Matt, get the fuck up!" Chris says quickly, pulling the blankets off his brothers who only groans "Fuck off Chris!" Matt grumbles rolling over, just wanting to sleep "Ari never made it home" Chris informs him, which catches Matt's attention as he sits up. "What do you mean she never made it home?" He asks watching Chris intensely "I told her to text me when she got home but she hasn't and Ella called saying she hasn't come home yet," Chris tells him which makes Matt rush out of bed, grabbing his keys as he jumps in his mum's car to find his girlfriend. Yeah, they had an argument earlier in the night, but she was still his girlfriend and loved her a lot. 

Matt arrives at the scene, sees another car and assumes it is Ella's. Matt jumps out of his car and runs over "What do I do?" Ella cries, distraught with her hands pressing on her sister's neck to try and stop the bleeding and the blood flowing up her head as Ariana had flipped her car into the ditch on the side of the road. Matt looks on in horror, stumbling to call 911 to get an ambulance and try and save Ariana. The paramedics arrive on the scene, pushing the late teens out of the way "Matt..." Ella cries, wiping her nose with her wrist to not smear blood over her face. "What if she..what if she doesn't...?" She mumbles off, terrified at the thought of losing her sister, her only sibling "She's going to be ok. She's going to make it" Matt stumbles trying to keep it together and hugging Ella as she looks down at her bloody hands from trying to save Ariana before running into the ambulance to escort Ariana to the hospital, terrified and worried for her. 

After several surgeries and several hours, it being close to midday and Ariana's parents and boyfriend all waiting anxiously for any news about Ariana. "Mr and Mrs West,  I'm...sorry" Was all the doctor had to say before Ariana's parents and sister started sobbing, knowing no good news ever starts with I'm sorry  with a break. "The injuries she sustained in the crash were too severe, she supcomed to them" The doctor finishes, telling the family of a 17 year old she passed away from car crash injures. "Shit" Matt mumbles, watching the now family of three cry and grieve. Him feeling completely guilty for Ariana's accident and now her death and causing all the pain in her family and making her twin sister an only child. "I...I I have to go" He mumbles to himself and quickly rushes out of the hospital to his car and back home.

Sitting in the car back at his place, the reality hitting him hard, that the last thing he said to his girlfriend was in a fit of rage and told her to go fuck her friend and now she was dead. Gone. And it was all his fault and nothing could bring her back. Matt heads inside his house, looking at his feet to avoid eye contact with anyone and have to explain to them that his girlfriend of 18 months is dead and nothing can change that. He closes his bedroom door shut before smacking the wall hard, frustrated and full of different emotions. He killed his beloved girlfriend, all over a photo, that she explained and he killed her. 

**Hello, Charlie here. I've been obsessed with Gilmore Girls this past week so that's why there's an old 2000's show chucked in the middle here. Hope you enjoyed this requested chapter, the two people listed are the people who requested it the most frequently and they're the comments I can't find and link accounts to. Please don't ask me for another chapter from the Same Interview, One Year Apart, I don't know how much creativity I have for that one. Please let me know down below in the comments and leave any requests of future one-shots below. ~ Byeeeee Charlie**

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