Chapter 3

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After a thirty-minute drive the truck came to a halt. "You have arrived at your destination" Maddie said mimicking a GPS "Why thank you for the ride M'Lady" Blake said with a fancy bow as he got out of the truck. She gave a chuckle at her friend. "Alright darlin get home safe ok" "of course, see you at school tomorrow" "you bet" they finished their goodbyes. Maddie backed the truck out of the driveway and started on her gurney home.

She drove up to the gate, rolled her window down and punched in the gate code. A long Bing was heard as the gates slowly opened. Maddie pulled into the property and parked the truck in the driveway. She looked at the dash, the clock read 9:50 PM "moms most likely at the bar still" she let out a groan as she locks the truck up and made her way over to the house. Maddie makes her way up the stairs to her room, once she's finally in her room she kicks her boots off and lays on her bed. She let out a long sigh as she dragged herself out of bed once more "can't sleep yet still have to do my nightly routine" she sluggishly made it over the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Once she finished her shower, she made her way over to the sink. She grabbed her moisturizer and lip oil. After she was done with her face, she put a pump of skinny hair serum in her hands and massaged it in, she then threw her hair in a bun for the night. Finally done she made her way over to her bed and flopped down pulling the fluffy blanket over her and making sure her alarm was on, she then closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

*RINGGGG-* a groan was heard as the mountain of blankets revealed a hand. "God, I hate this stupid alarm...and Mondays..." Maddie complained. She sat up stretching her back, she swung her legs off the side of the bed mentally preparing for the day. She walked over to her dresser and picked out an outfit, she grabbed her faded blue bell-bottom jeans and a black muscle cut shirt. After getting dressed she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. 'I think I should braid my hair today; I like it when it's braided' she thought as she brushed her teeth.

"Fuck I forgot how much I HATE braiding" she complained. After 20 minutes her hair was braided in two French braids. She took a second to appreciate her work in the mirror. "Totally worth it" she smiled in satisfaction. She pulled her phone out to check the time "shit its already 7:30!" she shot into gear throwing her sunflower boots on and grabbing her keys and school bag. She ran out of the front door to the truck. Throwing the door open, chucking her bag in the passenger seat and hopping into the driver's seat, turning the truck on and slamming the door. She whipped out of the driveway and sped out of the gate.

She arrived at the high school with 5 minutes to spare. "Welp, I made it thank god." she muttered to herself grabbing her bag before she locked the truck. She then made her way over to her first class.

Before she knew it the day was already halfway over. 'Wow the day flew by fast; I hope the rest of the week isn't like this...' she thought as she walked out to the parking lot. "HEY, MADS!" Maddie turned around to see who was calling her. Rushing up to her was her friend Lilly. "Hey what's up-" before she could even finish her sentence Lilly cut her off "we are going out to the lake tonight you are coming Lilly shouted with excitement. "Girl what- don't I get a say in this-" "NOPE!" Lilly yelled with a big smile. "Ok well see you tonight at 7!" Lilly yelled as she ran off to her sage green Volkswagen beetle. "...kay?" Maddie said stunned, 'guess I'm going swimming tonight.'

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