Chapter 48

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Maddie followed behind Mikey. "Are you sure I can watch? I don't want to invade." she said. "of course, Pops loves explaining our training." he explained as he opened the dojo door, there they seen Leo, Raph, and Donnie in the middle of the floor while April and Casey sat on the left of Splinter. "Nice of you to finally join us Michelangelo." Splinter spoke in a teasing tone. Mikey walked Maddie over to Splinter and had her sit down on his right, he then went to take a seat next to Leo. "My bad sensei." "No worries my son." he said with a chuckle. "Now then, we will be sparing with weapons today. Leonardo with Donatello, and Michelangelo with Raphale." Donnie and Leo stood in front of one another and gave a respectful bow while Raph and Mikey took a seat across from Splinter. "Hajime!" in a flash they were fighting. "So Maddie, do you have any sort of training?" Splinter turned his attention to her. Her body gave a small jolt of surprise. "kinda?" she said unsure and nervous. Splinter answered with a hum as he stroked his thin beard and looked back at the fight. Maddie turned back to the fight only to see Donnie being thrown across the room. He landed on his face. "Yame!" Maddie had no clue what he was saying, but it sounded cool. The two boys walked over to stand in front of Splinter "Donatello you have a habit of trying to be so prepared to defend against your opponents next move you trip yourself up, and I have noticed you have been using your staff more as a bat lately. The bow staff was not made for the use of being a bat, you must use technique and skill to use it correctly. Next time don't rely so much on your brain, rely on instinct and gut a little more my son, it is rarely wrong." He gave a small lecture. "Hai sensei." Donnie said with a bow. Raph and Mikey rose to their feet, they took Leo and Donnie's spot in the middle of the Dojo while the other two took a seat. They gave a bow then pulled their weapons from the holders.


After All This TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora