Chapter 9

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"That's the last bag" Blake said as he handed a duffle bag to Maddie. She took it and thanked him; she shoved it in the back with her 5 other bags. "Well shit, it all fits." Lilly said, shocked. Maddie laughed "Yeah it wasn't that much mainly clothes, feminine products, the ribbons I've won, oh and the photo of us last night." "How long is the drive?" Lilly asked, trying to stall time a bit. "Uhm, I think it's a thirty- one-hour drive but probably thirty-four or something if I include traffic and the stops for gas or food" Maddie said doing some math in her head. She pulled out her phone to check the time. 'Seven fifty, I need to head out...' Maddie pulled Lilly in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much" Lilly started to tear up, she squeezed Maddie harder and barred her head into her shoulder. "Do you have to leave...?" Maddie's heart shattered as her friend spoke, she sounded so broken. "Yeah...I do...I'm sorry" she began to tear up as well. Maddie pulled out of the hug and wiped her eyes. "Wait, where did Blake go? I need to say bye to him" she looked around just realizing the absence of her friend. "Huh? I didn't even realize he left" Lilly said now confused as well. "Rude, y'all didn't even realize I left." Blake spoke from behind the girls. Maddie whipped around to face him, she then seen him holding stuff. "what's that? And where did you go?" Blake walked up to Maddie and handed her the things. "Well, I can get Whiskey a new bridal take his and hang it in your wall and take these" he then handed her a pair of spurs, his spurs. She had always loved his spurs because they had sunflowers engraved on them, she even tried to buy them a few times, but he always declined and said they were his 'lucky spurs'. Maddie gave a small gasp "Blake I can't take these! They are yours! Not to mention I won't use them." She tried to hand them back, but she stopped her. "Darlin its fine. I want you to have them. They were my good luck charm and now they are yours, besides sunflowers have always been your thing." Maddie looked at them then broke down. She hugged Blake and thanked him. "you one hundred percent sure?" "Yes, I'm sure, I want you to have them." Maddie thanked him again and pulled out of the hug. Hesitantly she went to her car and opened the door. "Be safe darlin, text and update us please" Blake said looking through the window of her car. "I will I promise." and with that she pulled out of the driveway and drove out the gate. She looked back in her mirror; tears began to slide down her face as she seen what was her life get smaller and smaller till it eventually disappeared.

After 15 hours on the road Maddie pulled into a hotel parking lot. She got out of the car stretching her limbs, she then made her way inside the hotel. As she walked to the check-in desk a lady greeted her. "Hello miss. Do you need a room?" "Yes please" "okay, one bedroom and bath?" "Yes ma'am" "okay the room is 171, 135 a day if you're staying longer than one day. If you are staying longer than one day, please select how many days on the pad." Maddie pulled her card out and swiped it; she selected one night then put her pin number in. Once the room was paid for, the lady gave her the keys to room 102. "Alright your all set, your rooms 102 on the fifth floor, would you like us to hold any luggage?" Maddie had forgotten all about her luggage. "Oh yes please" "alright miss. If you could give us your keys, we will hold all your luggage, when you're ready to leave just let the front desk know and we will have someone bring your stuff to your car." Maddie handed her keys over to the lady. "Thank you so much." "of course, enjoy your stay!"

Maddie made her way to the elevator and pushed the fifth floor. Once she arrived at her room, she pulled out the key and unlocked the door. "Finally, I can sleep" she threw herself onto the bed and let out a sigh. After a few minutes she set her alarm for 4 AM, she then got up and did her nightly routine with her skincare items in her backpack. she finally finished for the night and walked to her bed to lay down, she made herself comfortable as her eyes grew heavy, as she was drifting off a name of some sort popped into her head, one that seemed all to familiar...


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