Chapter 51

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"Mikey so GOD help me, what was SO important you let without telling me?" Donnie asked over his little brothers BS. "well that my dear brother will be reviled when you get back to the Razer." "Okay Mikey WHY did you leave in the middle of patrol?" Leo asked sternly. "Well, Donnie said we were done and were heading back so I went to go grab the thing." he explained. Leo let out a sigh. "As long as everything is alright, I guess, come on guys lets head back to the Shell Razer." "Okay." everyone said.

Fifteen minutes had passed, Raph was the last one to make it back to the Razer. "Hey guys." he greeted "hey man." Casey said as he gave him a fist bump. "where's Mike?" Right as Casey was about to answer his question until a loud roar followed by tires screeching cut through the night. Everyone snapped their heads to a car coming up fast. An orange, teal, and green multi chrome GTR came speeding down the road, as it came closer, they could see it had a satin black hood along with some satin black accents. The car came to a stop right in front of the Razer. Raph, Casey and April all recognized that car. "Yo Casey that's Maddie's car, isn't it?" Raph asked "Yea, it is." The driver's window rolled down, low and behold there was Mikey, driving the car. "Sup bros." was all Mikey said. "Mikey, what the hell." Leo said confused. "Maddie and I talked a few hours before we left, she said she was worried leaving her car for so long it might get stolen or vandalized, then I had this thought, if the Shredder was smart enough, he could potentially connect the car to her phone through Bluetooth and find a way to track the phone straight to us." Suddenly, the group wasn't as mad anymore. "I never thought of that." Donnie said dumbfounded. "I decided to take her keys and pick it up and park it in the garage with the other vehicles." he explained. "You know what, those are really good points. Fine you're off the hook, just next time don't vanish into thin air, okay?" Donnie asked. "You got it D." They loaded up into the Shell Razer while Mikey rolled the window up. "Should we trust him driving that car?" Donnie asked skeptical. "He is a responsible driver, he will be-" the roar of an engine followed by screeching tires cut Leo off. The car took off down the road leaving them behind. "Or not." Raph stated.

A loud but faint rumble woke Maddie from her dead sleep, she looked around for her phone. She found it under the pillow, the time read twelve forty-two AM. She stretched and let out a yawn as she made her way to the door. She walked out to the living room, it was empty. The rumble got louder and closer. She thought for a moment before going into the lab. "Mikey you were speeding the entire way here!" Maddie jumped at the sudden voice; she followed it to the garage where she seen the group back from patrol. Her eyes went wide, her car was behind Mikey. "it's fine Leo, I know what I'm doing." Mikey said trying to convince Leo it wasn't a big deal. Leo gave a 'are you kidding me' look. "Maddie your up!" she jumped at the sound of Aprils voice. "Oh! yea, I woke up a few minutes ago when I heard you guys drive in." she said shyly as she stepped closer to the group. everyone's gaze was now on her. "Maddie!" Mikey ran up to her and pulled her into a tight hug. The hug took her by surprise, after a second of shock she returned the hug letting out a quiet laugh. "Well, hello to you to." "Oh! I hope it's okay, I drove your car back to the lair." he explained as he released her from the hug. "that's perfectly fine with me, she was a fun drive huh?" she asked with a smile. "Hell yea, it was almost as fun as my bike." she raised a brow with a playful smirk "oh, really now?" They shared a small laugh. Maddie paused for a moment. "Hey wait, isn't it Wednesday?" "Yes, it is." April answered her question. Maddie's eyes went wide, "OH SHIT WE MISSED SCHOOL!" "yeahhhh, its fine. It was just one day." Casey reassured. Maddie thought for a second. "I guess." she said with a sigh, she didn't like missing school, even if she wanted to burn the place down herself. A loud ringing echoed in the lab startling everyone. Maddie quickly pulled her phone from her pocket, her heart sped up as her eyes went wide with fear.

"Shit, it's my dad..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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