Chapter 36

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Maddie was slammed into the alley wall, her head made contact with the wall. She groaned in pain; she gathered the strength to look up. She gasped in a mixture of shock and horror; her attacker was a massive... tiger? "What the fuck-" Maddie heard a low rumble come from the tiger. She sucked in a breath. The tiger gave an annoyed sigh "listen kid, tell us what you know about the turtles, and I might not hurt you, much." Maddie gave a confused look "turtles? What turtles? Like pet store ones? Cause I'm not a turtle expert-" Maddie was cut off by a massive paw next to her head. Maddie looked at the wall in shock, he had cracked a brick wall with his hand. "Kid I'm not playing these games." the tiger said with venom lacing his voice. "I'm not either! I don't know what the fuck you want!" she had a feeling this big guy was after Raph; he had the same people that attacked her, April, and Casey with him. 'Maybe he's mad we beat up his men' she thought as the tiger pulled his had from the wall to pinch the bridge of his nose. "If you won't answer to me, then you will answer to Shredder." The tiger slung her over his shoulder. "I'm sorry, the WHAT NOW?!" Maddie started to panic, was she really going to get kidnapped by a six-foot tiger. She looked around looking for anyone's attention she could get, she then looked down the tiger's back. "Hey man, your tails gone."

Wind whipped through Mikeys mask tails as he leapt across the buildings. "God why dose Leo feel the need to give me the BIGGEST lecture before I leave? Now she's already out of school and not at her apartment!" Mikey cursed to himself as he ran around the city trying to find her. He stopped to catch his breath. "Holy shit, where the hell is this girl!" Just as he was about to continue looking, he heard a loud roar from a nearby alley. "DONT TALK ABOUT MY TAIL!" Mikey shot up "That sounded like Tiger claw" he ran in the direction of the roar. It lead him to a nearby alley. He peeked into the alley, there he seen Tiger claw holding some girl. Mikey looked closer 'SHIT HES GOT MADDIE' Mikey pulled out his nun chucks and leaped down into the alley.

"Well shit, how was I supposed to know it was a sensitive subject." Maddie crossed her arms Tiger claw looked at her in disbelief "my tail is GONE! How dose that NOT seem like a sensitive subject!?" Maddie was going to reply but got cut off by a thump. Her and the tiger whipped their heads at the sound. "Alright Tiger claw, let's not kidnap girls, it's not very polite." Maddie's eyes widened. Tiger claw growled "well well, look who showed up. Where's your brothers hm?" Mikey put his hand over his heart and gasped "why, am I not enough for you?" Tiger claw threw Maddie to the wall and lunged toward Mikey. Maddie's head hit the wall for a second time. Her vision went fuzzy as a fight broke out in front of her, then everything faded to black.

Maddie opened her eyes and was met with a blinding light. "Aw fuck" she groaned as she shielded her eyes with her hands. She rolled onto her side and groaned. After a few minutes of not moving, she rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them, letting her eyes adjust to the light. She sat up to take in her surroundings. She looked around the room, it was big and seemed to be some sort of lab or garage. She looked at what she was lying on, it looked like an old, modified hospital bed with a bright light over it. She squinted at the light. "Can I turn that shit off?" She looked around for a switch but couldn't find one. With a frustrated groan she gave up. She swung her legs off the side of the bed and went to stand, her legs wobbled and gave out from underneath her. She caught herself with her arm. She let out a loud groan before getting on her knees to attempt to stand again. She slowly got up; her legs still wobbly. She pushed through and got to a wall for support. As she was about to walk to the big doors, she heard an ear-piercing scream.


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