Chapter 46

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Donnie practically jumped out of his skin. He turned to see April holding some bottles in her arms. "Oh uh, well I'm not sure." he said as he examined the thing more. "Woah, DONNIE, the NERD, not knowing what something is?" Casey asked in a teasing voice. Donnie playfully rolled his eyes and shoved Casey a bit. "Ah shut it Jones. Well do we have everything?" "Yea lets- OH WAIT!" Casey went up to her wall and grabbed her keys. "If I had a car like hers, I would at least want the keys." he explained.

"AH! Piece of SHIT!" Mikey yelled as he moved around under the bike. Maddie came over "you okay?" she asked. Mikey rolled out from under the bike, he sat up from the dollie. "Yea I'm good." He gave her a thumbs up. "Mike." "Yes?" "Your knuckles are bleeding." he looked at his hand, sure enough a steady stream of blood was coming from his knuckles. "Ah crap." He got off the dollie fully and went for Donnie's first aid. "Hey, could you finish what I was doing?" he called out. She stiffened "ummm, maybe?" she said unsure. "don't worry, its easy." He walked back to the bike with bandages. "Okay, if you say so... what are you installing?" he grinned "a turbo."

"Guys we are home!" Leo called out. Shuffling was heard as footsteps made their way out of the dojo. They turned to see Raph; it looked like he just ran a marathon. He took his boxing gloves off and threw them to the couch. "bout time, your drinks are in the fridge." "Thanks Raph, I could really use that coffee." Donnie said as he placed Maddie's bags down, along with the weird leather thing he found. The thing caught Raph's eye. "Yo Don, what's that?" "I have no clue; it was in Maddie's room, so I grabbed it for her." he explained. Leo looked around the living room. "Speaking of Maddie, where is she? and Mikey while we are at it." "Oh, I think they are-" a loud throaty roar with distinct popping filled the lair and cut Raph off mid-sentence. Everyone jumped. "HAHAHAAA! SHE RUNS!" They heard their little brother yell from the lab. They all shared a look; then rushed off to the lab. "Michelangelo my son, are you alight!" Splinter called out. There in front of the group stood Mikey looking proudly at his work and Maddie sat on the dollie smiling at him. Mikey turned to his family "oh hey guys, welcome back." he greeted. "Mikey what are you doing in here! You're not supposed to be in here when I'm gone." Donnie raised his voice; irritation lacing his tone. Mikey waved him off "psh, don't worry I had Maddie to supervise." Maddie looked Donnie dead in the eyes "I'm a horrible person to make sure nothing bad happens, In fact I'm the one to encourage stupid behavior, I'm just as bad as Mikey." she said honestly. Raph and Casey snorted, Splinter bit back a laugh while Donnie, Leo and April shook their heads with amusement. "ah shush you, but I finally made the modifications to my bike!" Mikey said with joy. "that's cool- wait what modifications?" Donnie asked. Mikey rubbed the back of his neck "oh you know a few new parts and a new paint job next." Donnie gave a glare "and where did you get the parts from?" "Places... oh hey I just remembered they brought your stuff, let's go get you settled in!" Mikey grabbed Maddie by the arm and pulled her to the living room. "THIS CONVERSATION ISNT OVER!"

Maddie was going through her bags with the help of Mikey, the rest of the group started a small conversation. "Oh, Maddie what's that? I wasn't sure what it was, so I brought it." Donnie said as he pointed at the leather thing. "Oh, thank you so much! This is Whiskeys bridal." she said as she held it up. The room gave a confused glance, she chuckled "it goes over their head and this part goes in the mouth. You use it as a tool to help steer them." she explained. Ohs were heard in the room. "So where are yo going to put your stuff?" April asked. "Uh shit I never thought about that." The room fell silent in thought.

"You can keep your stuff in my room if you want."

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