Chapter 38

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The four jumped and looked towards Donnie's lab. With all eyes on her she half regretted saying anything. Donnie rushed over to her "ah, hello miss, how are you feeling?" Donnie asked a bit hesitant around her. "I feel alright, kind of." "Here let's get you to the couch. Oh, I'm Donatello by the way, or Donnie is fine." He helped her over to the couch. "So, you hit your head pretty bad, you have a concussion. You're going to have to stay up for about twenty-four hours so I can monitor it and make sure you're fine. Anything bothering you?" he asked as he examined her. "Just a headache really" "okay, I can get you some ibuprofen and some lavender tea to help." Donnie offered. "That would be great thank you." Donnie went off to the kitchen. Leo walked over to the couch "so miss, um we are very sorry, there's really no easy way to say this, we understand you're going to be upset but you are now a target to a very dangerous man known as the Shredder, he will go to ANY length to fine even the smallest bit of information about us, we need you to stay down here with us so we can keep you out of his hands." Maddie's eyes widened "the who now?" Raph gave a chuckle and came over. "The Shredder, remember? Big dude with a knife fetish or something. Enemy number one to us and our dad." It looked like a light bulb went off in her head. "OH, that guy? Whys he after me? I barely know anything about you guys?" she asked. "Well, in his sick and twisted mind he thinks if he tortures you enough you will magically have all the information he needs, or he figures you are a friend of ours and we'll come to save you." Raph explained. Maddie gave a small oh. Donnie came back with some pills and tea "here you go" "thank you" she popped the pills in her mouth and swallowed them, she took a sip of tea to wash the taste down. "Donnie, go get sensei, we need to talk with him as well." Leo said as he took a deep breath. "What why- ugh, fine" he said as his shoulders slump, and he went off to a room. Everyone stayed quiet until Donnie came back with a very tall rat dressed in a maroon robe and a almost emerald, looking cane, the robe had the same symbols as the throwing star she had found in her bed. "Donatello says you need to speak with me." the rat spoke as he looked to the couch. He locked eyes with Maddie. The rat took a deep sigh "boys, explain." Leo stepped forward messing with his hands "well this is Maddie, um so Tiger claw went after her and she got knocked out. Mikey brought her here. She needs to stay somewhere safe away from Shredder." Leo explained. The rat took a deep breath "I see, I am sorry you have been brought in the middle of this. You are to stay with us until this washes over. Please make yourself at home dear." "Thank you sir, and it's no big deal I know you guys didn't do it on purpose." Maddie said as she waved it off a bit. "Oh, what about school?" "We can have April and Casey escort you to and from school." that rat said as he stroked his long thin beard. "We will set up the couch for you" the rat said as he went to walk back to his room. "Thank you, sir." "You may call me Splinter dear" he smiled as he walked back to his room. "Okay, well, that went well on both sides. Anyways I'm Leonardo but you can just call me Leo, as you know Raph and Donnie, and that's Mike- hey wait where's Mikey?" Leo asked as soon as he realized the absence of his youngest brother. "that's weird, I didn't even notice he was gone. I'll go-" "hey guys I'm going to order some dinner, I need your orders. Maddie, would you mind getting Mikey? His rooms the second door on the right." Raph said with a grin. "Raph, she's hurt-" "it's fine I don't mind." Maddie cut Donnie off. She stood up and went to a hallway with four doors. She followed Raph's instructions and went to the second door to the right. The door was a big dark gray metal door with 'Mikeys room, stay out' spray painted on it. Other than the words there were a few pieces of art and some stickers on the door. She smiled to herself. She then took a deep breath and brought her hand to the door; she knocked. She heard some rustling from the other side, then a muffled voice spoke

"Come in!"

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