Chapter 12

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Maddie pulled her car into a parking space. 'This place looks cute, not to mention I could totally go for some Chinese food' she grabbed her wallet and phone and walked into the shop. Once she walked in, she noticed no one was there. "Hello?" she called out "ah hello there miss." an older man walked in from the back of what she assumed was a kitchen. He had round black glasses on. 'Is he...blind?' she thought. "Please have a seat. What can I get you?" the man said very polite. "Ah um do you have a menu by any chance?" she asked, trying not to sound rude or demanding. "Ah yes my bad dear let me get you one." "Oh no don't worry about it its completely fine!" the man brought her a small menu. "Let me know when you are ready, in the meantime could I get you something to drink?" Luckily, she had scanned the drinks first. "May I get the Rasbery iced tea?" "Oh, very good choice, I'll get that right now" the man walked off to get her drink. She scanned the menu. 'I know I came here for noodles, but that orange chicken looks SO good' the man had come back with her drink interrupting her thoughts. "Here you go miss. Are you ready to order?" "Yes, may I get the orange chicken and rice please?" "of course, it will be ready in a few minutes" "thank you" she placed the menu to the side and took a sip of her tea. Her eyes lit up, "this tea is amazing!" she heard the man chuckle. "Why thank you. It's my own recipe" "well you sir, have amazing taste! This is the best tea I have ever had, and I have had my mother's sweet tea recipe that was passed down generations." "Thank you, it means a lot to hear that you enjoy it." They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. "If you don't mind me asking miss. Are you from around here? I don't get many new customer's and you have a small Sothern accent." Maddie was shocked, she didn't think she had an accent. 'Did he really guess that just from my voice?' "Yes, or well, no? I just got here from Montana." She stumbled on her answer a bit. "Montana? Wow that's far. Are you here for work?" "No, I'm here to live with my dad." "Oh? I hope he's ok in health?" "Oh yes, he's fine. My parents just decided to move me back to New York." She didn't want to go too deep into her personal life with someone she had just met. "Oh, that is good he is in well in health. May I ask are you in high school?" the man asked as he tossed some chicken in a pan. "Yes, actually I am, I'm transferring over to Roosevelt High" the man smiled after hearing that "oh I know two kids who go there, April and Casey. They always help me with my shop. If you run into them, I'm sure they would be more than happy to help you, they are great kids." "Really? I'll have to keep an eye out for them then!" Honestly Maddie wasn't looking to make friends, she just wanted to be left alone but this man was very nice, and she didn't want to come off rude.

Her food was done, and she was in heaven. Maddie and the older man who she found is Mr. Murakami, had very lovely conversation. They talked about a lot of different things; he gave off grandpa vibes, so it made it easy to talk to him. Maddie had brought it up that she would be looking for a job again. "Oh? Anything specific in mind?" she thought for a second "hmmm well I'm good with animals?" Murakami thought for a second then looked excited. "I have a buddy who owns a pet shop around here, he's always looking for workers. I could see if he's hiring?" Maddie lit up with excitement. "Really! If it's not too much trouble that would be amazing!" "Oh, it's no trouble at all dear, I will get in touch with him as soon as I can." "Thank you so much!" just as Murakami was about to speak someone else cut him off...

"OI OLD MAN! It's time to pay up..."

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