Chapter 6

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"AND FOR OUR LAST RUNNER, MADISON AND DOUBLE SHOTA WHISKEY!" Time seemed to freeze for Maddie, then all in a split second her and whiskey shot out of the aisle way. They rushed to the first barrel clearing it, they ran to the second barrel clearing it as well. "COME ON MADDIE BEAT THEIR ASSES! YOU GOT THIS!" She could hear Lilly cheering her on as she booked it for the last barrel. She readied herself for the last turn, With the soft arena floor Whiskey practically drifted around the barrel. With no time to fully recover from the turn she grabbed the horn to steady herself and gave Whisky the last push to finish. They hauled ass to the finish. Then, her heart stopped once the announcer spoke

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"14.40 HOLY SHIT FOLKS THATS THE FASTEST TIME WE HAVE SEEN IN A LONG WHILE!" the announcer shouted into the mic throwing his papers in the air. Maddie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "YES, OH MY GOD YOU DID IT!" Lilly shouted running to Maddie as she and Whisky came to the back arena. Maddie couldn't speak, she just teared up looking back at the clock to make sure she wasn't crazy and imaging what her time was. She wasn't imagining it, she won. Blake ran over and pulled Lilly and Maddie into a hug. Lilly squealing and jumping up and down, Maddie hanging off the side of Whiskey to get in the hug. She started sobbing with joy. "Oh my god we did it, we actually did it..." she pulled out of the hug with Blake and Lilly and wrapped her arms around Whiskeys neck and cried into his mane. "Thank you bud, thank you so much..." Maddie sobbed out into Whiskeys mane. Blake rubbed Maddie's back in comfort, Lilly went on her other side and hugged her thigh. The announcer told the barrel racers to come line up in the arena. Maddie wiped her tears and walked Whiskey off to the arena, Lilly and Blake followed behind. Once everyone lined up the announcer spoke. "Ok yall it is time to announce are three winners of tonight's barrel racing!" "In third place we have Brooklen and Sara Grey with a time of 15.50!" the crowd cheered as a blond girl in a purple matching set with a dapple-grey mare walked up and took the pink third place ribbon. They took photos then walked back to the line. "In second place, Tilly and Shadow Hawk with a time of 15.38!" A young lady with a messy bun in a red matching set walked over with a grey dun gelding and took the blue second place ribbon. They took more pictures and trotted back to the lineup. "And for our first-place winner, Madsion and Double Shota Whiskey with a time of 14.40!" The crowd cheered her on as she and Whiskey trotted up to take the yellow first place ribbon. "Thank you" Lilly and Blake come running over "We are totally getting a picture together!" Lilly rushed to Maddie's left side and hugged her Blake went to her right and waited for the photographer. "Alright you guys ready?" "Yes maʼam!" all three of them shouted in sync "ok 3...2...1!" *CLICK* the photo was taken. "ew why do I look like that" Blake busted out laughing. Lilly gasped "you look perfect!" They all started laughing.

After lots of congratulating and small talk they headed to the trailer to pack up. "I still can't believe I won..." Maddie mumbled to herself as she brushed Whiskey out. "I can, you guys work extremely hard, and that horse is fast as fuck" Blake stated as he walked over with ice-cream. "We got you strawberry cheesecake! Oh, and Whiskey vanilla!" Lilly came out from behind Blake handing Maddie the two ice creams. Maddie thanked them then held Whiskeys ice-cream as he ate it. "This is amazing" Maddie said enjoying her sweet treat. Then reality hit, she realized this would be the last time she would be with Whiskey. She started to remember everything they had faced together, and the day he was born. Maddie started to silently cry, Lilly noticed and rushed to her side asking if she was ok, Blake came over to hug her "I know will be ok" Lilly was now more confused.

"Blake...I want you to keep Whiskey...please"

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