Chapter 50

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Everyone made their way out of the Dojo. "Hey Maddie?" she heard a voice call out. She turned around to see Raph, he looked a little nervous. She stopped and faced him. "what's up man?" "You said you did boxing?" he messed with his hands a bit. "Yea I did, why?" she tilted her head slightly. "Well, would you maybe be willing to teach me a bit...?" he hesitantly asked, he hated asking for things, he didn't want to come off as weak to people. Maddie gave him a bright smile "of course man, now I have never taught anyone, but I know enough so we should be good." she explained. "Really?" he asked with a wide smile. "Yea, it will be fun. When do you wanna start?" Raph thought, "how about Friday?" he asked. "Works for me."

"Guys it's time for patrol!" Leo called out in his gear. The three came out geared up as well. "Are you sure you're okay for patrol? I mean your face is purple." Mikey asked with a tilted head. "I'll be fine." "Why don't we take the Shell Razer?" Donnie suggested. Leo thought for a second. "How about we take it to the middle of town, then go on foot? We won't get a proper scan of the city if we do the whole patrol in the Razer." he explained. "True." Raph said. "Alright let's get this show on the road! Oh, let me tell Maddie we are leaving." Mikey paused and headed back to his room. Mikey opened his room door, there she was laying on his bed, she wore a hoodie and some ripped jeans. "Oh, hey mike." she said looking up from her phone. "Hey, we are heading out for patrol, we will be back in a few hours." he explained quickly before turning out the door. "Okay, be safe!" she yelled as he walked back down the hall. Mikey ran out to the Shell Razer; he hopped inside and took his seat at the maps. "Am I the only one who feels bad leaving her behind?" April asked, feeling slightly guilty. "I mean, kinda?" Raph replied. "Well, she has no training so not really." Leo said as he kept his eyes on the road. "No training my butt! Look at your face!" Mikey said with a laugh. Leo gave an annoyed pout. "Well ninja training, I doubt she could keep up on the ground. And if we run into tiger claw or the krang she might not stand a chance." Leo explained. "I think she could take the krang, as long as she can avoid their blasts from the guns." Casey said joining the conversation. "She dodged Leo's punch pretty good." Donnie teased. "OH! You to Donnie!?" Leo said in disbelief. The Sell Razer erupted with laughter. "Sorry Leo I had to, but in all seriousness, we could train her like we did April and Casey." he suggested "that's a great idea! I'm sure she would love to come with us." April said exited. "Come on, we are here."

Hours had passed since the six started patrolling. Donnie was running around like a mad man. Why you ask? Well let's just say he can't find his little brother anywhere. "Shit, shit, SHIT! Where did he go!" he panicked. Donnie had enough, he decided to call the group chat. After a few rings four people joined. "Donnie what's wrong? Did you find anything?" Casey spoke first. "NO! It's WHO I can't find! Do any of you see Mikey around?" "YOU LOST MIKEY!?" Leo and Raph shouted in unison. "I DIDNT MEAN TO! We were together and then I turn around for TWO FUCKING SECONDS AND HE WAS JUST GONE!" Donnie yelled in a panic. "Okay, let's all breathe, everyone look around." April said. They all looked around to see if they could spot him. "Anyone see him?" Leo asked. "no" everyone said together. "Alright we need-" Leo was cut off by someone joining the call. "Yo what's up, yall find something?" Mikey spoke. "MIKEY OH MY GOD! WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT HAPPENED?" Donnie yelled, making everyone deaf. "Woah D, I'm alright don't worry." "Okay good, good, so um then might I ask WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO!" Donnie's worry washed away and was replaced with anger. "Chill D, I just had to go get something." "And what would that be?" Mikey paused for a moment.


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