Chapter 17

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Casey and April looked at Maddie half in shock. "Are you sure? We don't want to bother you too much. We can patch it really." April was a bit hesitant to accept. "Oh, really I don't mind, it was my dog who made him bleed so why not take responsibility" April was about to speak when Casey cut her off "sure why not?" "Alright, my apartment is right down the block so it's not too far." Maddie walked off with April and Casey behind her. "Casey what are you doing, we need to meet the guys! Not to mention she could be an enemy!" April whispered as best she could. "April, we meet the guys all the time I'm sure they won't mind us being a bit late, her dog bit me and I don't feel like getting lectured by don, and I doubt she's an enemy." Casey tried to reason with her. "Well, she could be" April wasn't going to let it go and Casey knew it.

They walked for a few minutes until they came to Maddie's apartment complex. Maddie walked into the lobby holding the door for the two. Casey thanked her, she then led them to the elevator. Once they reached the seventh floor, she led them into her apartment. "Alright I'm going to put Anax in my dad's room, so no more accidents happen. But please make yourselves at home." Casey laughed a bit and sat down on the couch. April stood behind the couch with her arms crossed with a displeased look plastered on her face. Maddie made her way down the hall and put Anax in her dad's room. She then went into her room and grabbed the first aid kit and the bottle of rubbing alcohol. She made her way back to the living room. "Okay I got the first aid, and some rubbing alcohol" she placed the things down next to Casey. She then grabbed a chair from the kitchen and brought it over so she could prop his leg up. "Alright set your leg up here and let's see the damage." Casey set his leg on the seat of the chair with a small grunt. Maddie pulled his pant leg up to his knee. She was met with a few punctured holes and a lot of bruising. "Well, it's not as bad as I thought, a few puncture wounds but it's mostly bruising. Ill clean it anyway then wrap it okay?" "Alright, thank you I really appreciate this" Casey said very grateful. "Oh, really it's not a problem." Maddie poured some rubbing alcohol on a rag and rubbed the wound, Casey hissed in discomfort. Maddie gave a small apologetic glance and continued treating the wound. A few minutes later Maddie finished treating the wound. "And done, I don't think this will need stitches it's not deep enough. just clean it often and change the wraps every night if you do a lot of activities." she said as she cleaned up the mess. "You got it doc" Casey said with a small chuckle. "Yes, thank you but we do need to get going we told are friends we would meet up with them." April spoke in a harsh tone. Casey gave the red head a look. "Oh of course not a problem. Did you need help getting to the lobby?" "No we got it" April made her way to the door. Casey got up and followed behind the red head. He waved bye to Maddie and she waved back. They made their way out the door and shut it. Maddie was now alone in the apartment "Well, that was.... strange?"

"I can't believe you just follow a stranger home!" echos bounced off the sewer walls. "Oh, my lord April it's not that serious, her dog bit me and she wanted to make it better or something!" The two argued until they reached some turnstiles leading into an open living area. They walked into a kitchen and put down some bags they picked up from a store. "I just think it was completely reckless what you did-" "we were invited so she could patch up my wound seriously it's not that big of a deal April!"

"You got hurt Casey?"

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