Chapter 30

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"Yea he's a pretty chill...guy... OH! he has a dirt bike-" Casey didn't know why he gets so nerves talking about the guys to people, but he did, he always made the conversation turn weird. "Does he really? Kinda odd to have one in the city, but also awesome!" "Is it street legal? Oh, what kind is it?" Casey was thankful that the conversation switched but lord he doesn't know anything about Mikeys bike. "Uhm, I don't think it's legal?" He was a giant turtle; he doubts any vehicle he and his brothers have is street legal. "oooh living the rebel life." Maddie decided to drop it, he obviously didn't want to tell her more about him. They walked into the rink. Casey went straight for the ice. April went over the railing and took a seat on the wall. She didn't really know what to do, she couldn't skate, but April didn't like her. She decided to try her luck with April, she had already pulled out her books and homework by the time Maddie sat down. "So, you guys come here a lot?" Maddie tried to start a conversation with April. April looked up from her books and gave her a small glare "why?" she spat out. "Oh well just a conversation starter?" April just stared at her one last time then turned away shoving her nose back in the books. Maddie sat awkwardly for a few minutes before Casey came over. "Hey nerds, having fun over here with homework." Casey leaned on the wall next to them. "of course, who doesn't love homework?" Maddie replied with a fake nerd voice. Casey let out a small laugh "say uh did you understand what we did in English today?" Casey asked a little embarrassed. "Oh, yea I got it, want me to explain it?" Casey nodded his head.

"And that's about all really, sounds really complicated but it's not so bad once you get it." Maddie finished up explaining all of it to Casey. "Holy shit..." Maddie gave a puzzled look. "I fucking understand it for once!" Casey grabbed Maddie's shoulders with a big smile. Maddie gave a smile "well I'm glad-" *WHOSH* a small black knife was thrown between the two. With a shared gasp they looked at who threw it. There stood an army of... ninjas? There were so many, and they all looked the same. "Oh shit-" "fuck it's the foot" Casey put an arm out in front of Maddie to tell her to get back. "What do you guys owe them money or something? I don't judge alright-" "no they are uh- just bad people-" Casey was trying to find a way to not out the whole story too much. As Casey was trying to find the words to say one of them lunged towards him. "CASEY LOOK OUT" April let out a frantic scream from behind. Casey whipped his head back to the ninja, he froze. Right as the ninja was about to make contact with him, a bat came down on the ninja's head. Sparks flew, the ninja made a horrid high whine as its body twitched. As fast as it happened it stopped. "WHAT THE- HES NOT HUMAN!?" Maddie freaked out as she drew the bat back. Casey looked at her, she held one of his bats from his bag and had a look of horror and confusion written all over her face. "Fuck we will explain later" Casey had snapped out of his thoughts and rushed to fight the rest. Maddie didn't hesitate to rush in after him. April held her own for a while until more came. Casey looked over to see April struggling "Maddie go help April!" Maddie gave a nod and rushed over to her. The two were doing good fighting them off, then... blood hit the floor. One of the knives had landed a blow at Maddie's thigh. "FUCK! MAN, that hurts like a son of a bitch!" while Maddie let her guard down for a second the ninja lunged forward to finish it. Maddie held the bat up to try and protect her, but... the blow never came. She opened her eyes to see a very large turtle in a red mask and ninja gear in front of her with what looked to be a Sai in the robot's head. "April, Casey, What the FUCK is going on?" The turtle yelled, not sounding pleased, as he ripped his Sai out and dropped the robot.

"DAMN! That a BIG ass fucking turtle!"

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