Chapter 49

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In a flash they ran at each other, Maddie watched amazed at the moves they were pulling off. Raph had a more stiff, almost boxing style. He waited for Mikey to make the first move and swings hard. Mikey on the other hand was all over, he was fast and agile. He did so many flips she had a hard time keeping track of him. He mainly hit with his legs. She thought this was a bad move, Raph could easily grab his foot and get him down on the floor. As if Raph read her mind, he managed to grab Mikeys ankle stopping him in his tracks. Before Raph could even make a move Mikey jerked his foot forward and jumped in the air bringing his other foot in the air as well, he kicked Raph square in the face freeing his leg. He landed on one hand and quickly did a flip and landed on his feet. "AH shit! that hurt like a bitch." Raph pulled himself up from the floor holding his snout. He moved his hand to see a few spots of blood. "Yami! Raphale, are you alright?" Splinter asked, getting up to walk over to his son. Donnie got up as well. "Yea I'm good. I should know by now Mikey can pull some crazy stuff." he let out a chuckle. Donnie looked over Raph's injury. Mikey came over looking guilty. Raph grabbed Mikey in a light headlock and gave him a noogie. "don't worry bout it, I'll be fine." "Yea you will, doesn't look broken probably just broke a blood vessel." Donnie reassured the room. Splinter let out a sigh of relief. "Alright, now that everyone is okay." Splinter turned his attention to Maddie, she tensed under his gaze. "Maddie I would like to test your abilities in what you know." he said calmly. "Oh, uh sure." she stood up. "Leonardo, please be Maddie's sparring partner." "Hai sensei." Leo said with a bow. Maddie tensed more, HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT A TRAINED NINJA? Maddie and Leo stood in front of each other, Leo gave a bow which Maddie returned. "Now I just want to see what you know; Leonardo please be easy with her." "Hai sensei." Maddie's heart raced; adrenaline flowed through her. Splinter was about to give the word, "Wait wait- can I fight back, or is this just like dodging practice or?" she asked nervously. "Sure, if you think you can land a hit." Leo teased. She nodded and got into her stance. Raphs eyes widened at her stance. "Hajime!" time seemed to slow for a split second. Leo rushed forward to charge at her. She copied and advanced forward a bit slower than he did. Once close, Leo swung with his left arm. She quickly dodged; she wasted no time and quickly swung her right fist straight for his face. Leo didn't have enough time to react, all he could do was widen his eyes and watch. Her right hook hit a direct blow to his face knocking him back on his tail. His vision went back for a quick second before he seen stars. "OH SHIT!" Maddie ran to make sure he was alright. Everyone gathered around Leo, Donnie came to his eldest brother's side to check him. "Leonardo are you okay my son?" splinter asked, worry lacing his voice. Leo let out a small hiss in pain as he grabbed his face "yea I think so?" he gave a thumbs up. He slowly sat up. "Here take it easy, how do you feel? Anything serious? How's your vision?" Donnie asked as he put a hand on his brother's back to help him. "I feel okay, my vision is a tad bit fuzzy but it's good. My face just hurts." he explained. "I'll get some ice." April said as she ran off to the kitchen. "Shit I'm so sorry Leo." Maddie came closer to apologize, feeling guilty. "don't worry about it, I said you could hit back." he reassured holding his face. "Na dude, she KNOCKED you out." Raph said with a smirk and teasing tone. Leo just shot him a short glare. "My dear, that was a very impressive punch you threw. What training do you have if I may ask?" Splinter turned his attention to her once more. "Oh, I took professional boxing for about four maybe five years, and I uh got into a lot of fights back home..." she said with a nervous smile as she rubbed the back of her neck. Splinter gave a chuckle "well I won't have to teach you much, but some self-defense won't hurt." "I got the ice, woah that's swollen." April's jaw hung slack. "I have some balm you can put on it, it helps with the swelling and bruising." Maddie stated. "That would be great." he said as he put the ice on his face. "If we spar again let NOT knock the life out of me, yeah?" he chuckled. Maddie's cheeks went red as she messed with her hands.

"Sorry again..."

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