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I Am Not Waiting

"We should get a dog." Amelia said as they walked into the hospital.

"I live in a house that's bordering a frat house, along with three kids, and my sister who still doesn't know about us, and you want to get a dog?" Ophelia chuckled.

"That's something we can talk about." Amelia said.

"What, you don't like the house I live in?" Ophelia asked.

"No, I do, but I also like not sneaking around with my girlfriend instead of just telling her sister."

"Fine, I'll tell her later, and if she doesn't bite your head off, I can consider it my early birthday present."

Ophelia realised her mistake almost instantly, Amelia sticking out her hand to stop her from walking. "Today's your birthday?" She asked, shocked.

"No, it's tomorrow, and no one knows, so don't make it a big deal." Ophelia warned.

"I make no promises." Amelia said, "And Arizona definitely didn't tell me your birthday, and I definitely haven't already bought you a gift."

She smiled sweetly at her as Ophelia glanced at her, trying to suppress her smile. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" She said, now fully facing her.

"Hmm, I'm not sure, maybe you could show me tonight?" Amelia asked, taking a step towards Ophelia.

Just as Ophelia was about to answer, her pager beeped. She pulled it out, "Incoming in the pit." She said.

"Go, do your job, and look hot while doing it." Amelia said, and Ophelia rolled her eyes, walking off, although Amelia could tell she was smiling.

Ophelia entered the trauma room, greeted with April saying, "Alright, patient's ten minutes out, people. Let's move."

Just then, Arizona opened the door, apologising profusely to April for something. "I really don't gice a crap what you thought." April said, brushing past her. Ophelia followed after them, walking just a few steps behind Arizona.

"I lived through that with you, with Jackson, and I was just trying to help somehow so that maybe this time it could be different this time." Arizona told her, April angrily grabbing a trauma gown from the dispenser, Ophelia following suit.

"Sorry, you were there? You lived through that?" April said, pulling on the trauma gown, "Um, no. No, Arizona. That was me and that was Jackson. We lived that nightmare and I refuse to live it again."

April was struggling to tie her trauma gown, so Ophelia tied it for her, Riggs coming up behind them. "Kep-" He tried to say, only to be cut off by April's angry rant. He walked off about halfway through to wait for the elevator, Ophelia following.

"And you know what? It is different this time, because this time I am choosing to have faith in a good outcome for this baby until God himself tells me otherwise, and Jackson-"

"Keps." Nathan said, and April turned to walk over to them, but turned back to Arizona.

"I will deal with this myself, the way I want to, when I want to." She spat.

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