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Ophelia hated being off work. Don't get her wrong, she loved Ellis, she really did, but when her niece was sleeping, she practically died of boredom. Blame the undiagnosed ADHD in her, but she physically couldn't be still unless she was operating. Amelia wouldn't be pleased to know her girlfriend wasn't taking care of herself properly.

"Amelia, this is the third time today you've called me, and it's only 12:30." Ophelia scolded, answering the phone to her girlfriend, "Go scrub in on a surgery or something, that's more important."

"1: please take care of yourself. If that fracture doesn't heal properly, Callie will be on both of our asses, and 2: how dare you say I think surgery is more important than you? I would never think that!" Amelia replied, and Ophelia could hear a lot of people talking in the background.

"Are you... calling me from the ER?" Ophelia asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"When I'm not working? That's, like, a personal torture."

Amelia was silent for a few moments, before replying, "I now see why this was a bad idea."

"Has anything good come in?" Ophelia asked eagerly, sitting forward in her seat. She loved the show she was watching, but surgery was so much more interesting.

"Um..." Amelia trailed off, and Ophelia could imagine her peering round the ER, "Only a car pile-up. Nothing major."

"Nothing major?" Ophelia cried, "Is April there? Put her on."

Ophelia heard the neurosurgeon yell for April, and explained to her what Ophelia wanted. "You know, you're a really bad pat-" April said, but Ophelia interrupted her.

"How many cars was it?" Ophelia said, taking a Malteaser from the bowl in front of her.

"10. You should've seen this guy's foot, it was literally hanging on by a thread." April gushed.

"I'm so jealous." The other trauma surgeon groaned, slumping back into the cushions.

"Well, rest up, and you will be back in no ti- Sir, you can't walk on the foot yet!" April yelled, her voice growing distant at the end. There was a clattering as Amelia picked the phone, raising it to her ear.

"You two are so weird. You're jealous that you didn't get to see that guy's foot?" Amelia asked incredulously, handing her tablet to the nurse behind the desk, smiling gratefully.

"Okay, you stay at home for three days without operating and then call Stephanie and then come back to me." Ophelia said, pulling on her coat. She had made her way upstairs to pick up Ellis and put her in her car seat, before leaving, slamming the door after her.

"Okay, fine- Ophelia Lopez, you better not have just closed our front door."

Ophelia momentarily froze, before continuing her way to the Uber she had ordered. "I did not just close our front door." Ophelia told her, pulling the seatbelt across Ellis' seat.

"Ophelia, you are supposed to  be resting!"

"Okay, bye Amelia, love youuu."

Ophelia hung up the phone, throwing it in the bag she had brought with her and taking Ellis' hand gently. When she walked through the doors of the hospital, Stephanie was walking down the stairs pulling a confused face when she saw the trauma surgeon.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to come back next week?" Stephanie asked, pulling her friend into a hug.

"Um, yeah." Ophelia said, "Hey, Ellis, Stephanie said she wants to take you to daycare, isn't that great?" Ophelia forced the carrier into Stephanie's hands, walking off.

"Oh, no, I do not do kids-" Stephanie tried to protest, but Ophelia was long gone, "Damn, that woman is fast, even in a boot."

When Ophelia entered the ER, there was chaos everywhere. The ER beds were overflowing, the residents couldn't get control of the trauma rooms, and they weren't listening to the nurses.

"Okay, first of all, you always listen to the nurses." Ophelia said, walking over to a bed where an intern wasn't listening to a nurse, "And second of all, Nurse Betty is always right."

"And third of all, you should be at home." A voice from behind her said, and Ophelia internally groaned, before turning to face her very angry girlfriend.


"Why are you here? And where is Ellis?" Ophelia took Amelia to the side, allowing Nurse Betty to help the intern with the exam.

"Stephanie is taking Ellis to daycare right now, and I really need to be here. I'm going to talk to Bailey about just covering the ER, no surgery, so, please, don't worry." Ophelia pleaded, taking her significant other's hands gently.

Amelia sighed, giving in. "Fine. But if Bailey says no, you're not to turn up at all. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." Ophelia teased, leaning forward smiling, pressing a kiss to Amelia's lips. The neurosurgeon reciprocated, cupping her girlfriend's cheek with one hand.

"Now go do your trauma surgeon thing." Amelia said, spinning Ophelia around and pushing her towards some random bed.

If there was one thing she knew for certain, it was that Amelia Shepherd was totally whipped for Ophelia Lopez.


GUYS my will for this fic is slowly dying

also read my firehouse baby fic it's abt a kid who gets adopted by andy herrera

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