Redeployment (Royal Navy PoV)

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Royal Navy Base

Scapa flow.

George left the commander's office,

Prince of wales was standing outside, eager to hear what had transpired.

So the second George opened the door to the commander's room, the first thing she saw was Wales subtly trying to hear what was going on, despite the extremely high amount of soundproofing, since the office was usually where classified conversations were held.


"How'd it go?" Wales said,

"I don't know, despite the troubling news, he seemed to not be as disturbed as I thought he'd be." George said

Wales got a shocked look on her face,

"Why? If something was as bad as you were saying, then wouldn't he be up-in-arms about it? You seem to know him well enough."

"Yes, it struck me as odd as well, perhaps some of Hood's elegance rubbed off on him." George said.

"Hood? Why are you bringing her up now? The base is already in a sour mood from her loss." Wales said

"As well as the Prime minister, her majesty the Queen, and probably the entirety of the nation is sour....

Which reminds me, you have to probably be ready to ship out here soon. The second the commander puts that report out, the admiralty is probably going to go have quite the fuss." George said.

"But my rigging is damaged and my guns are acting up, I don't think I could last longer than a hour in a fight." Wales said.

"Well, it doesn't matter that your guns are unreliable, they still have the ability to shoot and they have a much batter chance to actually dent that monster. In fact, I might be joining you once my turret is fixed." King George said

"Okay, only thing I can do is stay alive at try to avenge Hood.

Speaking of staying alive, what kind of guns does the Iron Blood ship have?" Wales said.

"I don't know, all I know is that those guns are as big as steers."

"Steers? As in cows? Sister, are you hungry for steak again?" Wales said

"Yeah, but I was saying that because there as big as a cow width wise, or at least it looked that way, you can't exactly see the barrels through the pyrotechnics coming out of those things." George said.



"Yep, bigger than the largest guns we got, also, how's Rodney? She took a hit and couldn't even stand up in the last fight." George said,

"Really? Well I guess that's why she had a limp from earlier, I heard she has to go through surgery because there was so much metal in her leg that it would take upwards of a week to remove it all. How does that happen?" Wales stated

"Ah, I guess I was more lucky than I thought..." George said.


"Yes, when the shells from that ship explode, they send bits of metal in every direction, and it digs into flesh and creates terrible wounds. I was almost directly hit by one of those shells, but luckily, one of my turrets ate the blast and it didn't look pretty afterwards, you could see the inner workings of it." King George said.

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