Speak No Evil Pt. 1

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The days passed slowly leading up to Friday. You felt like you were driving yourself mad by constantly watching the clock at work and in class. And honestly, you wouldn't be surprised if you started hearing tick-tock, tick-tock in your sleep.

It was Thursday afternoon when Jihyeon noticed that, once again, your eyes were glued to the dining hall clock. "Staring at it won't make it go any faster."

"I know," you sighed, finally peeling your eyes away to meet hers.

"Then why do you keep doing it?"

You shrugged. "I don't know."

With a dry laugh, she shook her head and took a sip of her Chilsung cider.


"It's just weird seeing you look forward to boys' night," Jihyeon replied as she screwed the cap back onto the bottle. "You hate when Yoongi invites all of his friends over."

"That's not true," you protested.

"Well, it's not now that you're with Jungkook."

"So I'm excited to see my boyfriend and his friends. Is that a crime?"

Jihyeon put her hands up in defense. "Hey, it was just an observation."

Your fleeting appetite was gone once again. You pushed your tray out of the way so that you could rest your elbows on the table, but Jihyeon immediately pushed it back toward you.

"You need to eat," she said. "I mean, how else are you gonna have the energy to fuck Jungkook all night long tomorrow?"

If you had had food in your mouth at that moment, you would've certainly choked.

"Ji, you can't say that!" you scolded. "We're in public!"

She looked around the dining hall at the other university students enjoying their lunch before turning back to you. "I don't think anyone heard me. Besides, their weekend plans are probably the same as yours." Jihyeon then smirked. "I know mine are."

You feigned a gag, although how fake could it have been considering who she was dating?


Friday finally arrived, and it was a relief to no longer have that weight of anxiety and anticipation on your chest; it was the first time all week that you felt you could take a proper breath.

Getting ready took more time than usual that evening. Your hair wasn't cooperating and neither was your eyeliner. You lost count of how many tries it had taken to get the wings even. But eventually, as you stared at your reflection in the mirror, you were happy with the way everything turned out.

Your outfit had been laid out for days at this point, so there weren't any last-minute freakouts that involved clothes being thrown everywhere from digging in your closet, trying to find something to wear, all while on the verge of tears. There had been plenty of those moments in the past, and after the work you had put in on your makeup, you were glad you planned ahead.

While putting on your pants, the doorbell rang. You knew it was Jihyeon because she had texted you earlier to say she was on her way. You quickly finished zipping them up and ran over to the door to let her in.

"Yoongi isn't home yet, is he?" she asked once you opened the door. She was rifling through her purse in a panic as she spoke.

"No, he's still at work," you replied, your face twisted in confusion as to what she was so desperate to find.

Jihyeon sighed in alleviation before unveiling what she had been looking for: a razor. "I forgot to shave my pits."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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