Chapter twelve

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She walked around and helped people with their form. She was effortless and graceful with her movements and completely at ease as she demonstrated. Like she had been doing this for years. I continued to watch until Rosa said they were going to the mall.

'Well I guess I know where I'm headed.' I stood and stretched. Then I followed their cars to the mall.


Rosa's P.O.V.

"Okay so what's the game plan?" I asked as we parked and got out of the cars.

Vanna and Ariel, who were jumping in their seats like little kids going to Disney World, rolled their eyes at me.

"We," Vanna said, gesturing to the girls, "are going to get new clothes. And they-" She pointed to the boys, "are going to the arcade." I groaned and hung my head to pout. Why did the boys get to do fun stuff? I want to go to the arcade too.

Garret and Joe cheered and hugged each other. Danny and Devin looked equally happy, just not as dramatic. I looked at them and raised my eyebrow.

"Last time the girls made us go shopping with them, we couldn't feel our arms for a week!" Devin said this with the most serious look on his face. All of the guys, minus Danny, nodded gravely. 

We entered the mall and my jaw dropped. I had never been in a mall before. Travelling from place to place so often and not having friends makes you miss out on little things like shopping and going to the movies. My mom and I had always gotten our clothes from cheap clothing stores or places like Wal-mart. This place was way different than a Wal-mart.

There were people everywhere! Running in and out of stores, talking on phones, and sitting in the food court. I'd never been around this many people and would be lying if I said I wasn't uncomfortable. Shaking off my discomfort, I took a deep breath and turned to face everybody.

"Everyone have their phones?" I asked. All of them nodded except for Joe who replied with a sarcastic 'Yes Mother!'. I hit him on the arm and he whined.

"Okay good. We'll call you when we're done and meet in the food court to grab some food." We parted and the girls dragged me to some random store. What kind of a name is Abercrombie?

Ariel and Savannah obviously knew the store well. They were buzzing around going through rack after rack of clothes. I on the other hand was completely lost in the sea of color and clothing that looked like it wasn't made with enough fabric. 

"Guys, I don't feel comfortable with this." Ariel and Savannah were trying to get me to pick out clothes. Ariel rolled her eyes and looked at Vanna for backup.

"It's like you've never been shopping with your friends before!" She exclaimed. I looked at the floor and blushed. Ding-ding, she hit the nail on the head.

"That's because I've never really had friends." The girls were silent for a minute as I shuffled my feet. The girls shared a look then turned back to me apologetically. 

"Oh Rosa! We're sorry! You are probably completely overwhelmed!" Vanna, being the mother-er she is pulled me into a bear hug. Ariel quickly joined in and we were all smooshed in a group hug in the middle of the store.

"It's okay! I have you all now and that's all I need." I hugged them back and we had a nice bonding moment. That is until they grabbed me and practically threw me into a dressing room. 

I tried on what felt like hundreds of different tops and jeans. I realized I officially hate shopping and was not missing out on anything. We eventually got bored and started playing a game. We could pick out anything we wanted for someone and they couldn't look at it it had to try it on. So far, I had worn an outfit so yellow I rivaled Bid Bird, Ariel got dressed as Little mermaid for obvious reasons- she was not amused, and Savannah looked like a circus clown. The sales clerks thought we were crazy and we got thrown out.

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