Questions and Answers

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Hi, everyone! 

First I want to apologize for the extreme hiatus in this story. I began this book when I was around 14 or 15 and am now 20-years-old. As you can imagine, my life has changed a lot. I stopped writing when high school started getting more serious and I was far too busy in college. Now I have graduated and, thanks to my amazingly supportive boyfriend, have decided to pick up writing again. Your wonderful comments brought me a lot of joy when I was writing and I hate that I have disappointed you with such a long pause. That being said, my writing has changed quite a bit. Over the last week I have been editing the book and my most recent edit as of 7-10-18 is chapter 13. This brings me to my questions for you lovely readers!

-Do you like the Collin POV chapters? (I am slowly fixing his and Devin's name so they are correct)

-Do you like the other character POV chapters?

I'm debating on editing those chapters or just taking them out all together and I would really appreciate your input. I want you all to enjoy what you read so please let me know in the comments! 

Another thing I would like some suggestions about are Rosa's parents! Rosa's father is an elemental with a few little additive I apparently thought were a good idea four years ago but I've not clarified anything about her mother. I have some thoughts but would love to know if you guys have any! 

Thank you all so much for your patience and kindness.



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