Chapter 33

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| Chris |

I yelled out in frustration as I paced the living room up and down. I swear Aubrey took this whole shit to another level this time.

"Aye, calm down Chris. It's gone be alright" I stopped pacing and looked at Jayceon like he just lost his damn mind.

"Calm down? You telling me to calm down when I don't know where the fuck my girl is at! Nigga you crazy! I don't even know if she alive or if she-If she-" I couldn't finish that sentence off. Just the mere thought of me not being able to see Crystal again was making me go insane.

"Aye man chill the fuck out. All that yelling you doing ain't doing shit to help us right now" Tyga said, calming me down as I sat down on the couch. I exhaled deeply and ran my hand through my overgrown curls before slowly dragging it down my face.

What kinda psychotic human being with a conscience kidnaps somebody? I swear Aubrey took the last straw with this one and when I find that nigga, it's all over for him.

"When was the last time you saw her, Chris?" Heather questioned as I glanced up at her briefly before focusing my attention on the carpet.

"She was here with me, I remember falling asleep with her, then when I woke up, she was gone" I explained. "And then a few hours later she called me telling me how she don't know where she is and Aubrey done took her" I muttered saying Aubrey's name with venom dripping from my voice.

"Did she give a hint of where she was?"

"Nah nigga, she said she didn't know.- you know what, fuck this shit. I'm out" I said getting up, grabbing my keys and walking out the door. All this shit is too much for just one person to handle. This whole situation just seems like a lost cause. For all I know, Crystal might not even be in the damn country with the way Aubrey plays his shit.

I hopped into my white Mustang, pulled out my drive through and started speeding down the street. There's only one person I know that can help me with this situation. I'm skeptical about going back there because I done lost too many of my homies coming around here, but this is my last resort.

After driving for about 10 minutes, I finally pulled up at Wayne's warehouse, my old boss. I got out, slamming the door shut, and making sure it was locked. I walked up to the door and pushed it open. As soon as I stepped in I felt nervous, anxious and angry all at the same time. I lost my cousin for this shit, and I lost my best friend over this. RIP Kenyon. I was angry because this place reminded my of Mijo's disloyal ass and how he tried to kill me.

I exhaled my angst out and walked through the warehouse until I got to Wayne's office. I knocked on the door until I was given permission to come inside.

Once I heard Wayne's voice allowing me to come in, I twisted the door nob and walked in. Keeping in mind I ain't seen Wayne for almost three years.

I closed the door behind me and stood watching Wayne as he talked on the phone, looking off to the side. He payed no attention to me as he was so immersed into his phone and whoever he was talking to.

As he spoke, my eyes wandered around the room taking in it's exterior. It had, of course, changed a lot since I've last been in here. Now Wayne had a shelf behind his desk that showcased all the guns he had in his possession, the walls where now red with gold accents and the floor was laminated and polished.

"Alright, just make sure you find the person who took my shit and bring that nigga to me, alive" Wayne said before he hung up the phone. He removed the phone from his ear and looked down at it. I looked at him, shoving my hands deep into my pocket and sighed.

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