Chapter 36

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| Chris |

The next morning it was kinda strange waking up in a hospital and in this small ass bed I shared with Crystal. It angered me how I noticed scars up and down her arms, knowing that Aubrey placed them there. But nonetheless I was happy that I had her back in one piece.

Because of our tumultuous relationship so far there was no way I was going to let her out of my sight from now on. We'd been through enough trouble in our relationship to last us our whole lives - I want to make the Aubrey situation the last problem we ever have to face. Now I just need to find a way to tell her I was going to take up the deal with the record label. Crystal is a very understanding person who always lifts me up so I know she'll understand when I tell her I'm going to take the offer. I mean she wanted me to in the first place, so it shouldn't be any different now. The only problem is is that I have to travel. It's not me who paid for the ticket or the room they're accommodating me with, it was all them and it was all for me. Crystal wasn't included.

I honestly don't want to leave her here knowing that she just got out of some shit so she's going to need me but I want to be able to provide for my woman. I don't want her or my future children to ever want for something, I want for them to have all they want without even asking. And singing is the only way I know how. Not only that, but it's going to give me relief and a sense of triumph knowing I have a chance to do what my father said I couldn't and make something out of my life. I already feel better in myself because of Crystal and her encouragement but actually doing what I've always wanted to do would be like the icing on the cake.

Before I could delve deeper into my thoughts, I was interrupted by a rather loud knock on the door. I hope this person knows it's seven in the morning and my baby is tired.

"Come in" my voice croaked as I responded because of how tired and stressed out I had been. This was the first time in a while that I actually had a peaceful nights rest obviously owing to the fact that Crystal was laying right beside me.

The white oak door slowly creaked opened, so slow that it felt as if I had died a thousands deaths before the person completely appeared at the door frame.

When I got a good look of who it was, my first instinct was to leap out of the bed knowing that she wasn't too fond of me. Yeah, she sort of warmed up to me but, it was quite clear from her first impression of me that she didn't like me.

"Christopher?" She questioned almost as if she was half expecting me not to be here. She stepped over the threshold and walked causally into the light that peaked through the window in this dimly lit room allowing me to get a better look of her. She was sporting some red bottom heels and a large light brown trench coat that stopped just below her knees. It was spring right now but it wasn't that cold that she should be wearing a trench coat such as the one she had on.

She took a seat close to where Crystal and I laid and place a manila envelope on the table beside that I hadn't noticed she was holding when she first came in here.

"How's she doing?" She quizzed, her attention everywhere else but me. She had a wry look on her face as she fidgeted with her fingers. I couldn't help but notice her demeanour. I haven't had the chance to get to know her yet, due to the fact that she didn't want to get to know me, but what I did know was that she wasn't acting like the woman I had met when Crystal first introduced me to her.

"She's doing fine, I haven't seen her awake yet" I said as she simply nodded, still refusing to give me even just a minuscule amount of her attention. Furrowing my eyebrows, I continued to watch her fidget her fingers and squirm in her seat. She was acting a little too suspicious.

"Uh- Mrs. Garcia, are you okay?" I questioned as her head snapped up, finally giving me her undivided attention. She practically leaped out of her seat as soon as I asked and began pacing the dim room. "I'm fine, perfectly fine. Why would you even ask that?" Said Mrs. Garcia so fast as if she knew I was going to ask her that question and she had rehearsed her answer in her head many times over. Abruptly, she stopped pacing and she glanced at me, stifling a smile that was nowhere close to genuine. The smile she gave me never reached her eyes so I knew it was fake.

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