Chapter 11

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"Crystal, get up" someone whispered in my ear. I felt myself being nudged but I groaned and turned the other way.

Chris sighed as I felt myself being hauled out of bed and into the air. I caught glimpse of the clock hanging on the wall and it read 11pm. I kept my eyes closed as he made his way into the bathroom sitting me on the sink.

"Chris, what are you doing?" I whispered rubbing my eyes. I didn't want to wake up mama Joyce at this time of the night.

"We're going back, to college" he said. I looked at him for a second and I only just realised that he was fully dressed. I looked out in the doorway and saw three duffle bags sitting on the floor.

"You packed all my stuff" I whispered and yelled in unison. Chris nodded his head and I sighed deeply.

"I can't stay here knowing Clinton can just show his ass anytime he wants. And I sure as hell don't wanna be around when he does" Chris said as I looked him in his eyes.

As much as I wanted to say no and stay, I couldn't. I love Chris with all my heart and I can't bare to see him scared or upset and if that means going back to college then so be it.

I sighed and nodded my head. "I'll go get dressed" I mumbled. Chris smiled and hugged me tight as if he was unsure that I'd agree to his suggestion.

After he released from my grip he pecked my lips then kissed my forehead. I smiled jumping off the sink and walking past him into the bedroom.

I didn't have much of a selection of clothes to choose from since it was all packed so I just wore an over sized t shirt and some denim shorts and I slid on some slippers.

Moments later Chris walked out the bathroom holding two tooth brushes and some shower gel. He chucked it into one off the duffle bags and lifted it up over his shoulder, flexing his toned arms in the process. He then picked up the other duffle bag and looked at me.

"You ready to go babe?" He asked as I simply nodded my head picking up the last of the duffle bags.

We silently went down the stairs so that mama J wouldn't wake up and I unlocked the front door.

"Hold up a second" Chris said putting the bags down and digging into his pocket. He pulled out an envelope and placed the note on the kitchen counter before writing his name on the front.

He grabbed the bags again and we headed towards the door once more with Chris shutting it after himself. We put the bags in the backseat and Chris came around and opened my door for me. I thanked him and got in as he got in the other side.

He put the key in ignition turning it as it roared to life. I sat back and relaxed as Chris turned the radio on. Rock with you by the legend, Michael Jackson played out and Chris started bobbing his head to the beat.

"Chris?" I called as he glanced over at me then back at the road.

"Yeah babe?" he said his deep voice instantly making me tense up.

"What was that note for back at the house?" I asked playing with my hair as he inhaled and exhaled deeply. He gripped the steering wheel tighter. When we got to a stop light, Chris closed his eyes tightly and blinked a few times as if he was holding back tears.

I sighed as he was going into his state and I couldn't bare to see him in another one again.

I decided to just drop the topic because I didn't want to deal with this right now, especially in a car, it always ends disastrous.

A few minutes later Chris' voice spoke, snapping me out my daze. "I left a note for my mom telling her I wasn't coming back. I didn't want to be in that environment especially when she just invites Clinton over there whenever she wants. She knows how I feel about him" he said, his voice getting louder and louder.

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