Chapter 5

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"He gave you a freaking tattoo, God Crys what are you turning into?!" Heather yelled as I sat on the bed.

She's been on my case since that day I told her what happened when I went to Chris mom's house, and I'm starting to get sick of it.

"Look, you was the one who told me I had to change. I found someone who loves me, You already gave me a makeover and now I'm with a bad boy. What else do you want me to do?" I asked frustrated with the whole situation.

Heather came and sat next to me on the bed. "Crystal, I didn't tell you to change completely and I sure as hell didn't tell you to go get a tattoo. What the hell are your parents going to think?" she questioned. I avoided her stern glare.

I promised my parents that when I went away to college that I wouldn't change for no one, and that I would stay myself and not get involved with what the crowd was doing.

"I don't care what they'll think right now. Im a grown responsible ass woman. I'm just going to do me. And if they can't accept the new me or that I'm not their little perfect angel anymore, then they can kiss my perfect little ass goodbye" I said as I flicked my hair.

Heather sighed and shook her head. "I'll be in my room if you need me" she got up and left quietly shutting the door. As soon as she left there was a knock at the door.

I quickly got up to go answer it with Heather following close behind.

"Hey babe" I said engulfing Chris in a hug. I purposely gave Chris a wet sloppy kiss immediately dipping my tongue into his mouth. I eyed Heather as she gave me a dirty look.

"Someone's in a good mood" Chris said after we parted.

"I sure am" I replied.

Heather cringed at us then left back to her room, fake gagging on the way.

"What's up with her?" Chris asked. I shrugged and grabbed my coat.

"You ready to go?" I asked. He nodded his head and followed me out. I grabbed his arms tightly not wanting to slip on the ice.

It was December 20th and I was so excited for Christmas, I promised Chris I'd stay with him during the Christmas holiday but I also promised my parents, so I called and said that we should all meet up. Although in the back of my mind I don't think it's a good idea, both my parents have strong personalities and they can be quiet harsh without even knowing.

We got into Chris' white Mustang as he took me on yet another romantic date. I was still waiting on him to ask me to be his but he said he had something special planned for me, sometimes I have no idea what's going on in his mind but I know that whatever he's got planned, it'll be heart warming.

"Chris where are we going?" I asked.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, you'll see when we get there" he replied winking at me.

I sighed and slouched on the chair. A few minutes on the road had passed and I got bored and impatient.

"Chris, can you sing to me?" I asked looking over at him. He smirked and nodded his head.

"What if the sky was turning red

I know we'll be safe, right in my bed

Laying face to face

Girl I like the way you sound

When you rain on me

So tonight let's act it out

Show you how it gon' be

I'm gon' kiss your other set of lips

Hold you body by your legs and hips

Good Girl, Bad BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora