Chapter 8

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Chris and I entered the mall and it was crazy as fuck. There weren't even space to walk. I grabbed Chris' hand and we started looking in shops for presents. I didn't really know what to get anyone so I just went and bought the Victoria Secret gift bag for everyone. It included body splashes, creams and perfume, And I even got one for Heather but if she continued to act the way she is I just wouldn't give it to her.

I followed Chris into various shops so he could get presents for his friends and family back home. It was like I was having three Christmas', I'd have one with my dorm friends; Heather, Abel, Karrueche and Nashae. And Chris' friends. Then I'd have one with Chris and his family, then is have one with my family. This is going to be a long week.

After shopping for a long time Chris and I made our way back to his dorm.

When we got in I started wrapping up all the gifts and then got ready for bed. I've been sleeping over at Chris' for a while now because it's so much easier to take a shower and so on.

"Babe, you coming to bed now?" Chris asked laying on the bed. I came out the bathroom turning the light off and joining Chris in bed.

Soon after we feel asleep in each other's arms.


"Babe get up it's Christmas!" Crystal yelled excitedly jumping up and down on the bed.

She was dressed in denim high waisted shorts, a black boy London shirt, an army type of jacket and some brown timbs. She had her makeup done and her curly hair out everywhere.

"Babe stop staring at me, get up and get dressed" she yelled ecstatic, straddling me.

I leaned up and pecked her soft lips wiping the sleep out of my eyes. "What you dressed up for?" I croaked as she cocked her head back getting up.

"Are you being serious?" she asked folding her arms. I shrugged my shoulder and smirked at her.

"Where going to your moms silly" she said shaking her head laughing. I smiled at her cuteness and got out of bed and stood in front of Crystal, grabbing her waist.

She stood on her tip toes and pecked my lips. Deepening the kiss, I lifted up her legs so it was wrapped around my waist. Her warm hands started playing with my small curls.

She parted away panting. "Go get ready Chris" she said jumping down and walking out the room.

I walked into the bathroom, took a shower then quickly dried off. I brushed my teeth then went into my room to look for something to wear.

I decided to go with a; black SnapBack, white short sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans and my brown timberland's.

I sprayed on some axe and then turned off the lights before walking into the living room.

Everyone was sitting by the fire and Crystal helped me put all the presents under the tree the night before.

"When did y'all get here?" I asked as I saw Ty, Trey and Jayceon sitting on my couch.

"We been here since 9am while yo lazy ass was still in bed" Ty said as I laughed.

I looked over at Crystal who was patting the floor beside her. "Babe, come sit" I went and sat next to her and caught Heather giving me a dirty look, I side eyed her and put my arm around Crystal and kissed her cheek.

We continued conversing as Heather continued to glare at me.

"Shall we open the gifts?" I said directing attention to myself as everyone nodded and brought out their gifts.

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