Chapter 25

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| Crystal POV |

I gave Aubrey an awkward smile as Chris wrap a protective arm around my shoulder. He had some balls coming up to me when Chris was here. He should know better.

"Erm Hi?" I croaked wondering what he was thinking coming over to us. He smiled slightly and looked between Chris and I and I saw a flash of jealously in his eyes. He blinked it away and smiled but I could tell by his eyes that that wasn't a genuine smile. Chris stood close to me and I glanced at him, He was eyeing Aubrey very closely probably wondering what his next move was. I knew Chris didn't like the fact that Aubrey had approached us because of the way he was holding me so close to his body.

"The hell do you want?" Chris seethed, anger laced in his voice. I nudged his side and eyed him and he gave me a look like "what?". I didn't want Chris being mean because he literally just got out of Anger Management. I didn't want three months of classes to go to waste. Plus it wasn't like Aubrey did anything wrong.

"Erm, I er just wanted to say hi you know. I know you went to anger management and I was wondering how it went" Aubrey said as he fiddled with his hands. I could tell he was nervous and I could also tell that what he said wasn't all he wanted to say.

"It was good I guess. Not that it would matter to you" Chris said looking him up and down and giving him attitude once again. I glanced up and Chris to see him squinting his eyes at him. I did find it kinda suspicious how he would ask Chris a question like that knowing full well that Chris can't stand him.

"Oh okay" Aubrey muttered and then there was an awkward silence. I was kinda waiting for Aubrey to leave just to save him the embarrassment, but once I saw he was staying put I spoke up.

"Erm so me and Chris are going to go find a table. It was nice seeing you again, Aubrey" I said getting ready to walk off.

"Wait!" He called and Chris and I turned around. Chris mean mugged Aubrey clearly getting irritated with his presence and I sighed thinking what more he could want. "I mean uh, Chris, could I speak with you for a minute" Aubrey asked with a questioning look on his face.

"Yeah go 'head" Chris replied nonchalantly. I could tell that he wasn't about to listen to whatever Aubrey had to say.

"Erm, I just wanted to apologies for disrespecting you and your girlfriend. I know you still feeling some type of way towards me for what I tried to do to Crystal couple months ago. Honestly I didn't know what I was thinking and I apologies for that. I just hope we could be on good terms or atleast be corgial towards each other instead of mean mugging"

I could tell that Aubrey was being genuine for once, I just didn't know how Chris would take it. "I guess we can be 'cool' but just know if you're playing me and you try some sneaky a*s bull don't be surprised when I come for you" Chris said and they shook hands which lead to a manly hug. I smiled slightly at the sight and at Chris' maturity. The old him would've just dissed Aubrey and left and that would be that.

After Aubrey left, Chris and I found a table, ate and we just sat and talked for a bit sipping on our drinks.

"You know Chris, I'm really proud of you" I said reaching for his hand over the table. He grabbed my hand and I used my thumb to stroke his. "I'm really starting to like this new mature Chris, It's sexy" I whispered with a smirk as he blushed slightly. He licked his lips and stroked his beard with his other hand.

Chris started growing his beard out and that makes his face three times sexier than he already is. "So does that mean I'ma get some tonight?" Chris questioned and I giggled to his comment leaning forward over the table and pecking his lips.

"Maybe" I whispered against his lips. Chris stood up abruptly and I watched him closely. "Come on let's go" He rushed me and I stood up wondering why we had to leave so quick all off a sudden.

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