Chapter 1

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"Come on Crystal we're going to miss the whole thing!" My best friend, Heather yelled out, dragging me through a sea of college students. I tried my hardest to meander through the crowd without getting trampled on.

"Heather slow down, what are we in a hurry for anyways?" I belted out as I continued to latch on to her stick like arms for dear life. She slowed down dragging me into the front of a circle that had formed in the middle of the parking lot.

In the circle there were two guys beating the life out of each other. They both swung blows at each other back and forth like cage fighters. I turned away in disgust.

"Heather! You dragged me through hell and messed up my hair just to see two guys basically killing each other?" I yelled shoving her arm lightly.

"Oh lighten up Crys, nothing exciting happened at this college since we've been here, this might be the only fight we get to see in a while" I shook my head at her turning back to the fight just in time to see the guy with tattoos plant a hard one on the other guys face. The crowd erupted and it started to get rowdy. I looked over to see Heather getting sucked into the crowd as if it was a black whole.

Abruptly, I got pushed from behind almost landing on my face, before I did someone held me from the front. I looked down looking at a pair of muddy battered shoes, then a pair of jeans and soon some soft brown eyes.

"Excuse me" I said releasing myself from his grip, he smiled and chuckled at my noticeable flustered appearance before he was sucked into the crowd with people chanting his name. I felt a strong sudden force pull me through the crowd and away from the rowdy people.

"What the hell is wrong with you Crys" A very angry Heather screamed at me, her eyebrows furrowed severely and her thin pink lips pressed tight together. I shooed her away with my hand signalling her to lower her voice.

"What?" I said looking up at her as we walked to our morning classes.

"Why were you talking to Chris?" She questioned arching her perfectly groomed eyebrows at me as she referred to the guy who had been bashing someone's face in. She crossed her arms over her chest awaiting me to speak.

"I wasn't. After you ditch me to trade spit with your boy friend, I almost fell flat on my face, but he held me up before I did" I explained.

"Oh" Heather's guilt-filled voice delivered, giving me an apologetic smile. I shook my head and smiled as we entered the second building. I had biology and Heather had English so she had to be in the south building.

"See you in the dorm room, we have to go shopping after this" Heather said.

"Shopping, for what?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later, see ya!" she said before walking off in the other direction. I sighed going to my biology class.

I took a seat in the front and pulled out my laptop. This was Heather and I's third day at college and it was a big change from high school. Firstly, the amount of students in one classroom was almost triple of what it was in high school. Secondly, we just sat and took notes as the teacher stood in the front babbling for two hours. We didn't really get taught, just spoke to for a long time. It was all so tedious.

As soon as the teacher walked in I got nervous, this was our first official class to start off the college year, we got here Saturday afternoon and I'm glad Heather and I didn't join those other college students to party on Sunday night. People were coming in late and some were actually still drunk.

The teacher started to speak and it was about 20 minutes into the lesson when that kid from this morning strolled in. Every pair of eyes were on him as he walked to the back of the classroom without a care in the world. He had his hand tucked deep in the pockets or his slacks and dragged his converse covered feet across the floor as if he was simply having an evening stroll. Nonchalant was practically written across his forehead.

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