Chapter 6

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I woke up this morning in a bad mood, hair everywhere and eyes puffy. I'd been silently crying to myself all night, thinking of all the possible things I could've done to make Chris not want to talk to me.

And to think, I thought things were going really well, we never argued and the love and concern I have for him is genuine.

I rolled myself out of bed and drug myself into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I cringed at the horrific sight of my red swollen eyes.

I couldn't even take a damn shower because the water weren't working still. I quickly brushed my teeth realising that I was soon going to be late for English, and washed my face.

After that I walked into my closet to get out an outfit. I wore a tight black pencil skirt and a white blouse. I put on some pumps and left my hair curly.

I quickly grabbed my notes and ran out my room accidentally colliding with Abel.

"Oops, my bad" Abel said.

"No problem, hey where've you been?" I asked realising that she's been away for awhile.

"No where" she said quickly avoiding both my question and my stern glare.

I shook it off and rapidly made my way to English. When I arrived I looked around for where to sit and I decided to sit at the back behind Chris.

Chris would usually watch my every move when I walked in but this time he glanced at me then straight back at the teacher.

I sighed and sat down as the teacher began to speak. I took notes throughout the lesson, but I couldn't help but notice how disconnected Chris was in this lesson.

"Mr Brown, can you repeat to the class what I just said?" the teacher said slamming her ruler on his desk.

"Mr Brown, can you repeat to the class what I just said" Chris replied as a few students snickered.

"Mr Brown, if you want to behave like a clown then you will immediately be removed from my class" the teacher said before proceeding to teach.

"Ah Crystal, my best student, can you please repeat for the sake of Christopher what I just said?" the teacher asked me as a few students turned to face me.

"Erm, you where talking about pathetic fallacy, it's a term used when the weather reflects your mood. For example you aren't very happy right now hence the reason why it's pouring down with rain" I said. Chris turned to look at me then smirked turing back around.

I mentally slapped myself in the face for being such a nerd and a teachers pet.

After the lesson my teacher held back Chris and I.

"Mrs Garcia, you are one of my best students in the class, you've gotten straight A's in all my pop quizzes and you never disappoint" she said smiling up at me, I gave her a small smile before playing with my fingers.

"And Mr Brown" she said monotoned, with her smile quickly disappearing. "Where to begin. You're always late, I've caught you sleeping in my class on countless occasions and you haven't even reached above an E in any of my pop quizzes"

I looked over at Chris who had a straight face. I could tell that he was really pissed even though she spoke the absolute truth.

"Now Crystal, I want for you to tutor Christopher whenever you can, once I see a mild improvement in his attitude towards learning, and his grades increase from an E to a C, then the two of you will have 25% of your grades done" she said as I smiled to myself.

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