Chapter 24

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| Aubrey |

I'm not over her, I'm not over her, I'm not over her. I still love her whether she knows it or not and I'll do everything in my power to try and get her to see that.

I don't care if she loves me or not, I love her and we will be together.

"Are you in?" I asked Rihanna as we sat in the booth of a local Starbucks.

"Yep all you gotta do now is play your part" she said as I smiled.

Crystal was my life. I knew her since high school but she barely knew me until we became friends, kinda. But I ruined all my chances of ever being with her by attempting to rape her in the janitors closet in high school and then trying to rape her at my party.

But now I was going to prove that I loved her. All I had to do was get Chris out of the way. And that brings me to my first obsticle.

Phase 1: become friends with Chris.

I had to find a way to get close to Chris because if I'm close to Chris then I'll get closer to Crystal. Crystal would literally do anything Chris says so If I can gain the trust of Chris it'll just be all the more easier to get into Crystals head. All I need to do now is be patient and play my part and this should all fall into place.

| Crystal |

"Babe, where do you want me to put this?" Chris yelled from the bedroom as I checked out the ensuite bathroom.

Chris and I had moved into our new apartment yesterday after days of trying to get this house. I must say, it's much more pretty in real life than looking at them images. I just feel so happy that Chris and I have a place to call our own, no interruptions and no one randomly barging in on us. This is something we've both wanted for a while and I'm just glad that it's finally happening.

I walked out of the bathroom while tying my hair up and glanced over at chris who was sitting on the king sized bed in the imddle of the room.

"Where do you want this?" He asked again as I walked over to the bed and sat on it. "I think we should have the headrest against the wall in the middle so it fits inbetween the two night stands" I said as Chris nodded and began pushing the bed with me on top of it.

The bed was the last thing we had to sort out in this house before everything was complete and we could finally settle down. Chris groaned as he shoved the bed against the wall then flopped down on top of me.

"Chris! Get your heavy ass of me" I said pushing him around as he laughed and laid on top of me again. I sighed as he lifted up and planted a kiss on my lips and I slowly began to kiss back.

He pulled away from me abruptly after a while causing my eyes to snap open. "Hey!!" I yelled pulling him back so he could place his lips on mine again but he pulled away chuckling.

"Get dressed I wanna take you out" Chris said as he grabbed his hooded jumper and threw it on and then tried to pull me up off the bed.

"noo" I groaned rolling round on the bed as Chris pulled me up and carried me bridal style. "I wanna lay around all day and watch movies" I whined like a little kid as Chris walked me into the bathroom.

"No. We are going out, whether you like it or not" Chris said as he sat me on the bathroom sink and pecked my lips.

"You know that's basically kidnapping" I said as Chris shrugged his shoulders up and down. "Your not a kid and who wouldn't wanna get kidnapped by me. I mean look at me" He said biting his lip in the mirror behind me. I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes.

"Boy you ain't all that" I said jumping down off the sink and walking off into our bedroom. Chris followed behind me to make sure that I was getting dressed for wherever we were going.

"I need to know where we're going Chris so I can dress for the occasion" I exclaimed with my head halfway in the closet.

"Ha ha nice try Crystal. I'm not telling you where we're going" he laughed as I glanced behind me to look at him so I could roll my eyes at him. "But just wear something comfortable"

I kissed my teeth and pulled out a pair of black leggings, a pair of random Jordan's and one of Chris' shirts which I tied in the back so it could fit better.

"I love it when you wear my sh*t" Chris groaned from behind me just as I felt his muscular tatted arms snake around my small waist. He planted soft kisses on my neck and I smiled turning around and pecking his lips roughly. He likes it rough.

I backed him up until we were next to the bed and I pushed him on it and straddled him grabbing his face with both hands and kissing his lips again.

"How about.. we stay at home and.. make our own fun" I mumbled in between kisses as Chris smiled through the kiss. I had him right where I wanted him and then he'd be too tired to take me anywhere so then I'd be able to stay home and watch reruns of devious maids.

"Again.. nice.. try" Chris said before standing up with me in his arms. "We're going out" I sighed and let my feet touch the ground and followed Chris downstairs and out of our big house.

We both got in the car and I folded my arms and sighed. "I'll let you drive if it makes you feel any better" Chris suggested.

"Yeah yeah whatever" and Chris let me drive, telling me where to go.

We drove to a nice buffet and I grinned happily. "I love this place!" I squealed getting out the car and running towards the entrance.

Chris followed behind me and we sat down ready to order. I turned around feeling as though someone was watching me.



| Aubrey's POV|

Time to begin phase 1.

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