Chapter 12

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| Joyce |

I woke up early today feeling utterly terrible. I knew I shouldn't have let Clinton in but when he told me he wanted to be in my life again he sounded so genuine. But I've always been so gullible, especially when it came to him. Slowly getting out of bed, I stretched and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, looking a mess.

I forgot how Clinton used to be like and seeing myself like this again reminds me of my teenage years when he'd tell me he loved me one minute then the next we'd be arguing and I'd end up in tears.

I shook off the upsetting feeling and tightened my robe around my waist walking downstairs. It was 2:30 in the afternoon and it surprised me how quiet Chris and Crystal were at this time of day.

"Chris?!" I called out. After receiving no reply I walked into the kitchen to fix me something to eat, when an envelope with Chris' name on it caught my eye.

"What the hell is this?" I asked my self picking up the small envelope. I opened it and Chris' neat handwriting filled the page.

Dear Mom,

By the time you start reading this letter, I figured you would've found out that my room in completely empty. Well it's because of Clinton. I can't stay in that house knowing he can just waltz in anytime he wants and then have the nerve to curse me out. I'm sorry mom but me leaving has nothing to do with you, honestly. I don't think I'll be coming back. I had to go back to dealing drugs so I can raise enough money to buy a house, take care of crystal and move you somewhere Clinton don't know. Please don't be mad and don't cry for me, I'm doing this for us. I love you and I hope you understand.


I looked over the letter a couple of times to make sure I read it right as tears streamed down my face. I can't believe my baby is gone and he didn't even talk to me about it. He just left.

I broke down on the floor crying my eyes out. The only thing that kept me sane, the only reason why I'm still living and breathing is gone and I don't have a clue if he's coming back.

I picked myself of the floor and walked over to the wall phone and dialled Chris' number. After ringing several more times he still sent me to voice mail. I continued to weep strolling back to my room.

He was the only reason I was still breathing, from all the abuse from Clinton I could've quiet easily have taken my own life. But I didn't, not when Chris' cute little baby face put a smile on mine, not when he would always come to me for his problems and how cute he looked when I just got done braiding his hair.

I just couldn't bring myself to do it, not when I had the responsibility of Chris on my hands. But now that he's gone and probably not coming back, not while Clinton is still living, I have nothing. No one to live for.

| Crystal |

"Chris you can't keep ignoring your momma like that, this is like the seventh time she's called" I expressed sitting up on Chris bed.

He sighed. "For the last time Crystal, she'll be fine she's probably just going to tell me how stupid it was for me to leave. I already explained everything in the letter"Chris explained.

I shook my head. "I'm just saying, it could be important. You left her alone... with Clinton" I said.

He got off the bed walking right out the room as I sighed. I don't agree with Chris leaving his mom at all. He left her in such a bad state. She's already scared about seeing Clinton again and Chris is literally all she has.

I let Chris cool off for a while as I pulled my phone out dialling my mom.

"Hey baby, how you doing?" my mom's cheery voice said through the phone.

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