Chapter 15

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(This is a filler chapter, so excuse the shortness)

| Crystal |

These past few weeks have been the hardest for me. Ever since Chris came home talking about Kenyon getting shot, he hasn't been the same. We've been arguing a lot and it feels like our relationship has taken a turn for the worst. Adding to my stress I have college on my back saying they're going to throw me out for missing so much lesson if I don't get my act together. There's only so much a girl like myself can take before I loose it completely. I can't talk to my mom about this either, she barely knows anything that's happened between Chris and I for the past month, which is how long we've been together. And it's a shame because she knows everything and anything about giving love advice. The only person I can confide in is Michael and Heather. Them two are like the relationship Gods. They've been together for about four years and are still going on strong. I can only dream for a relationship like theirs.

"I just don't get it. One minute we're fine and all lovey dovey. Then the next thing you know we're arguing, he's breaking shit and I end up crying while he's out doing God knows what" Expressing my problems to Heather whenever Chris gets out of hand is something I've become accustomed too for a couple of weeks now. I've become reliant on her to give me advice about Chris' outbreaks of anger.

"I understand you, Crystal, but communication is the key. I'm not just saying that because it's what you hear in the movies and stuff, I'm saying it because it's true. How are the both of y'all going to make up if you don't know what each other's going through" Heather explained. It bewildered me how she knew how to handle all these problems yet her relationship was so... perfect.

"How would you know this? You and Michael don't even fight. Y'all just sit up in my dorm being all affectionate while Chris and I argue like an old married couple" Heather laughed shaking her head.

"Trust me, it took a while for Michael and I to be like this. You think we haven't gone through all off that?, with the trust issues, the lying and throwing blame back a forth. Girl we've been there done that uncountable times. It's just the way we present ourselves to people. If we just had an argument we aren't just gunna go out looking salty as hell. We will go out like nothing happened then we'll come back and talk it out"

"It's not as easy as it seems. You're not dealing with someone who has the worst argue issue or a history of being a player. What if I'm being played Heather?"

"Don't be a idiot Crystal, if he was playing you he would've been got what he wanted and left before sunrise. But he's still here even a little over a month" Heather's reassuring words was enough to motivate me to try and talk to Chris again I know it's not going to be easy but I'll have to try.


"Chris!" I yelled through the thick wood, just enough so only he could here me. During the time it took for him to get to the door, I tried to rack my brain for the right words to say before I just made a fool of myself.

The door swung open, catching me off guard as Chris came into view.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"About what?"

"Chris do I really need to answer that"

He stepped to the side allowing me to walk through. It felt like forever since I last been in his dorm. He was starting to grow a small beard and his hair was bushier and curlier. I'm not even going to front he looked sexy as hell right now, but that's not the point. He shut everyone out completely after the traumatising event of last week and people had to turn to me as his girl friend to know if he was alright when I was asking everyone the same damn question.

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