Chapter 14

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| Crystal |


My head snapped in the direction of the voice as I pushed Aubrey away from me.

Heather side eyed Aubrey and I before taking my hand and dragging me off.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Aubrey called for me as I was being dragged down the hall.

"Heather let go of me!" I yelled as we stopped at the cafe.

"What the hell was that?" she asked holding her binder to her chest. I shrugged and rolled my eyes.

"It was nothing. Nothing happened" I replied, avoiding her stern glare.

"Are you cheating on Chris, crystal?" she asked giving me a look as if to say you know better than this.

"No why would you even imply that?"

"Well the way you and Aubrey looked I just tho-"

"I'm not cheating" I said bluntly cutting her off.

"Hmm. Anyways I need to talk to you about Chris" she said her face turning red.

"Whatever you have to say I don't wanna hear it. You're just gunna tell me how bad Chris is" I said holding my hand up and sitting at a booth.

Heather followed and sat in front of me placing her binder on the table. I folded my arms.

"Please just hear me out. I really feel you need to know this about Chris" she said with sympathy. It made me wonder if he was doing anything behind my back like... cheating.


"But before I tell you, you have to promise not to get angry at me and don't take your anger out on me neither" she said holding out her pinky finger.

"Heather, I can't promise that, I don't even know what it-"

"Just, please" she pleaded. I sighed locking my finger with hers.

"Okay. Today when I was on my way to English class I saw Chris in the hallway" she said as I nodded.


"Okay, I stopped him to talk and he told me he had somewhere to be. I told him I knew what he was up to so he pushed me against the wall and... he threatened me" I said as Heather eyes glazed over.

"Oh my god I am so sorry on his behalf. Did he hurt you?" I asked, astonished that Chris would ever put his hands on a girl knowing full well what his mother went through.

"No not really but that's not all" she said wiping the tear that slipped out her eye and down her face.

"What could be worst than that?" I asked rhetorically.

"He- he's drug dealing Crystal. He's freaking drug dealing. And before you ask me how I know, Tyga told me because they used to do it together" Heather explained. I leaned back devastated at what I just heard.

"When did he plan on telling me?" I asked, regretting it as soon as I saw Heather nervously chew on her bottom lip.

"He wasn't going to tell me, was he?" I said as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. Heather shook her head no quickly as I stood up grabbing my binder.

"Crystal please don't be mad at me" Heather begged following me as I walked to my dorm.

"I'm not mad at you at all. If anything I'm happy you told me actually. I just need some space to think" I said.

Heather nodded her head and I gave her a quick hug to reassure her.

I jogged back to my dorm letting everything sink in as the tears welled up in my eyes and spilled down my face.

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