Actions have Consequences -109-

550 22 40

"-I cannot help you without my ss-ssstaff."

Zane shook his head. "It will be here shortly."

Sighing, you walked up the steps into the hangar bay. "Ooo.. about that.."

Lloyd's brow furred, his gaze darting from person to person. "What happened."

"It wasn't there. The place was empty." Jay explained, keeping a wary eye on the blue snake. "Nothing was there."

With a groan, Kai threw his head to the ceiling. "What now then? We can't exactly pick up a phone and call Cyrus Borg and say 'Oh, hi, Cyrus. Can you please tell us where you moved Aspheera's staff so we can steal it?"

Walking to the monitor, Zane typed in some things, pulling up a call with Pixal and Borg (and you happened to notice a certain varsity swim coach in the background, good to know they had kept in contact). "Hello Cyrus, hello Pixal. Could you please tell us where the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu is, Aspheera's staff, so that we can steal it and use it to save Lloyd's life? Also Pix, would you like to join us? You could help Skylar with monitoring the monastery while we steal the staff."

Or.. maybe you could.


Pix smiled, pulling away from the hug. "My father has informed me that Aspheera's staff is on board a guarding convoy. It is moving dangerous artifacts to a more secure location. He was kind enough to give us the convoy's schedule and route through the city. It departs downtown Ninjago in approximately eight hours."

"My analysis indicates our best chance for success is to ambush the convoy at this location." Zane confirmed, highlighting an intersection on the map. "It will be most vulnerable in this location."

Pursing his lips, Lloyd shook his head in disbelief. "Four armored trucks? Traveling under police protection? I don't see how we pull it off."

Zane nodded, agreeing. "With our current vehicles, you are correct, we cannot. It will necessitate a bevy of modifications. That will require 600 hours to complete."

"653 hours of work, to be precise." Pix remarked. You missed having her around. "I will have the vehicles ready shortly. If you will excuse me." She walked to an elevator, going to the mechanical bay of the garage.

You turned to the team, obviously confused. "Don't we like- not have that time?"

Kai elbowed you, smirking. "When things don't make sense, I just ignore 'em."


Your updated bike was so fucking awesome. It had a new windshield with updated blast protectors, new and easier ways to transform it into.. whatever the fuck Pixal did.. brighter headlights, and even a darker, stealthier coat of purple paint.

"-So as to avoid identification, each vehicle is coated in an advanced, chroma-correcting pain that can-"

Cole pushed a button, turning every car black. "Sweet!"

The Nindroid sighed. "Operation manuals are inside each-"

"No time for manuals, Pix. We'll figure it out as we go. This is it. We get in and out really quick. And remember, no using real names! And no powers! Nothing to identify us!"

Oh neat, it's not like your powers were visible. You were practically made for stealth missions. Zooming ahead, you drove behind a police car. It's sirens were going to give you a headache. Pulling your hood on, you waited for someone's signal.

Zane's voice crackled from his jet above. "I am detecting an object matching my visual record of Aspheera's staff inside the lead truck at your ten o'clock."

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