Doctor LaRancid :133:

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"You know, Ani, I've been waiting for you. Rapton reported he used your Photac device in the field. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist returning, Ani." Doctor LaRow? More like La Rancid.

Stepping forward, you clenched your fists. "Her name is Sora, you get that other one out of your mouth."

Dr. LaRancid rolled her eyes. "Ugh, you named yourself after that dragon? Disgusting."

You furred your brow, rolling up your sleeves when Sora held an arm out in front of you. "It's not worth it." She grumbled, eyeing the doctor. "No amount of convincing can really ever get an Imperium official to shut up... But LaRow, she and I were the same. Two pawns you used for your own gain."

Pushing up her green-framed glasses, she only shook her head in disapproval. "I thought you were a scientist, Ani. Science has no room for sentiment. After the Merge, the Empress wanted to use the Photac more than ever. So.. many new dragons to hunt. But.. we hadn't been able to activate your device. Until recently." By the Masters name, did she ever stop yapping?

"I'm surprised you figured it out." Sora scoffed, "Exotic photovoltaic positrons were never your thing. You were more of an expert at being an evil jerk." Hell, you were into atoms and chemistry, it was kind of your whole power, but you had never dived into photovolgaic positrons past just knowing they existed and how they formed. You couldn't control photovolgaic positrons though, they were only part of an atom, and without the other parts it was unwilling to bend to you.

With an amused hum, LaRancid put a hand on her hip. "You've grown feisty, where's that sweet, wide-eyed little boy who was excited just to be in a real science lab?"

Okay, now you were done. Pushing past Sora, you held a finger out at LaRancid. "You do not get to speak to my kid like that. She is brave, kind, and obviously way more smarter than you. If you can't even call her by the right name, I don't think you have my permission to ask her to do anything."

LaRancid frowned. "Who are you again? Last I checked, you are not Ani's biological mother, so he is not your kid. His parents are here, in Imperium... Ohh, now I remember who you are. You're the Ninja who can control the literal molecular structure of reality, the little kitty who follows the leader, the Green Ninja around." She turned to Sora, nodding. "I know about your little escapades. You think the Claws' mission reports wouldn't reach me? We need you, Ani. Activate more Photacs."

Sora huffed, rightfully turning her back. "I am not letting you use my inventions to hurt innocent dragons."

"Ah, I kind of assumed that. So, I got some motivation." Tapping on her tablet, the wall behind her transformed, turning into glass, and exposing a blue dragon curled up in the tiny cage. "I have the real Sora here."

On the top of the dragon's back, leapt upt a guy in a sparkling purple blazer and top hat- wait. That was that stupid magician with the puppet! Dorama..? Was that his name? Honestly you couldn't care. This place was getting more and more on your nerves.

He smirked, dramatically holding his staff up. "It was I! I got the original Photac device to work! I copied it! We just need you to initialize the copies.. or else the beast here will get a bit.. zappy." His staff began to glow with silver flashes of electricity, as he lowered it towards the dragon's head. "And your mentor shan't do anything either."

"Sora- you don't-"

She held up a hand, sighing. "I don't have a choice. I have to do this, Y/n."

You sighed, sitting down on a stool, holding your hands up. "Okay. I will be sitting here, with my hands where you can see them, so I can't attack, while Sora fixes this for you."

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