Character Profile: Emmaline

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Full Name: Emmaline Lisa Tepes

Nicknames: Emma. Em. Molly. Emma Bee, Bee, Little Dove, My Dove, Dearest One,

Gender: Female

Species: Nephilim

Age: 313 years old

Birthday: March 20, 1479

Birthplace: Belmont, Wallachia

Affliliations: The Belmont Clan. The Renard Family. The Watchers. The Miracle Makers


Father: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes. The son of Dracula. A dhampir.

Mother: Zaharial (Y/N) . Bene Elohim class angel. A Watcher in permanent human form.


Emma is a quiet, reserved young woman. She is not much of a conversationalist, rather preferring to listen to those around her and observe the situation at hand before speaking her mind. She is very intelligent with an unquenched thirst to explore the world around her.

Initially she comes off as cold and distant, but that's only because she's reluctant of getting attached to people (she is immortal after all), but if she finds you worth eventual heartbreak, she is extremely warm, outgoing, and empathetic. She has made some very interesting friends in the past. Including a Mohican vampire, Mary Hays, and Ben Franklin.

Despite her introverted nature, Emma is always willing to help a person in need, be it a stranger or friend.When the Miracle Makers( A secret society of Angels who chose human form and to live among humanity helping them in little ways) contacted her about escorting a young Belmont overseas, she jumped at the chance of helping one of her family.

Fun fact:

-Emma served in the Revolutionary War. Though she wasn't allowed to fight in battle, she became an extraordinary nurse and saved many lives through the course of the war.

One defining moment was during the Battle of Monmouth, when she worked alongside Mary Hays in assisting the soldiers. She and her human friend carried water to the soldiers and even helped Mary load cannons when her friend's husband was incapacitated. When a musket flew towards Mary, Emma deflected it lightning fast, gaining only a casual remark from her comrade. 'Well that could have been worse. Thanks Em.'

However, she did taste battle, but only at night. The British Army employed vampires to prey upon the Continental soldiers in their sleep. She killed every night raid her camp encountered, gaining her the title of the Iron Maiden by the vampires. The only two who knew of the Iron Maiden's identity; her friend Mary Hays and the American General.

Emma's experience in the American Revolution made her a huge inspiration to Maria. She would beg Emma to tell her stories of the war days and to speak in front of her band of young revolutionaries. Emma's stories of a successful Revolution across the sea stirred bravery and hope in their hearts. ("But there's no Revolution without bloodshed.")

-Emmaline's birthday is March 20th, the day Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was first released.

Emma was born during a total solar eclipse. Symbolic of her nature as a combination of both darkness(Vampire hybrid) and light (angel).

Alucard was present during the birth of his daughter (though he wasn't supposed to.) He assisted his wife in giving birth.  He held onto his newborn daughter at the final push out and Emmaline took her first breath in her father's arms.


Flight: Using her angel wings.

Telekinesis: A work in progress.

Light Magic: Taught and inherited from her mother.

Shapeshifting: Not half bad at it

Calming Aura: Used on Richter many times.

Sixth Sense: She's able to detect spirits of nature and departed souls if they call out to her.

Compelling Voice: If you want to rouse people to revolution, a trickle of her divine voice will make it happen.

Weapon: Her sword inherited from her father. Emma had difficulty learning to control the sword through telekinesis but found her own unique way; She masterfully commands the sword through whistling. She has different whistles for different movements. You'd only think it was a bird chirping until a sword rammed you through the chest without a hand.

Family and Allies

Richter Belmont (distant nephew through her brother)

Maria Renard (her direct descendant)

Tera Renard (Also her direct descendant)

Annette ( Who has divine ancestry, like her)

Edouard (who was stunned by the color of her aura)

Vance (her vampire familiar and greatest confidant)

Juste Belmont (Reminds her of uncle Trevor of old)

Amalie ( Who acts strangely close and maternal with her......)




Erszebet Bathory

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