Tera and Vance

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Vance hated leaving Emma behind, but he knew she'd be safer with her mother. He silently moved on the wooded path, feet barely making a sound on the dirt. Wearing a dark coat and hat, his mahogony eyes gazed toward the shadow of the new moon. Prime hunting time, with the moon darkened , the prey would have a harder time detecting any prowling vampires in the shadows.

Emma was right; Striga and Morana could decimate the entire town by sunrise, and they would if they sensed Vance was hiding there, or captured. Get them away from the humans and hope they were in the mood to talk. Hope he could successfully convince them to leave.

That was the plan...

Vance stopped when he passed the Renard house, carefully with claws sharpened as he slowly approached, urgently knocking on the door. To his worse scenario, Tera answered. He immediately stepped back.

"What do you want?" She demanded venomously.

"You must go to Amalie's." Vance informed her to maintain calm. "There's a great danger in Machecoul tonight. My sires are here and your family will be safer in Amalie's protection."

"Your sires?" Tera's eyes widened horrified. She understood, though she wished with all her soul she hadn't. "If your sire is here, your presence will lead them to us."

"That's what I'm doing." Vance lowered his head. "I'm leaving on my own to see if I can reason with them. I only wanted to warn you to keep you safe."

" Your lingering on my doorstep is only leading them here." Tera glared at him with all the hate she possessed. "Leave now before your put my family in danger."

" Will you go to Amalie?"

"What I decide is not your business, vampire." Tera seethed. "Now leave."

"I will once I know Emma's family is safe."

"Leave!" Tera lashed a coiling flame at him. Vance recoiled bearing his teeth in a hiss. He would've struck down and drained that woman dry if it weren't for Emmaline's own blood in her veins. "I'm not your enemy Tera. I want to help you."

"Only because of Emmaline." Tera glared and Vance didn't refute, she was right. "Leave. I won't warn you again." The fire blazed in the Speaker's palm. Vance lowered his head and nodded, moving on his way.

"Was that Vance?" He heard Maria's voice before he vanished into the woods. He hoped they'd heed his warning.

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