Character Profile: Peter

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Name: Peter

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Occupation: Clergyman

Affiliation: The Church, The Knights of St. John

Allies: Abbot Emmanuel



Peter is a priest who resides in Machechoul. He was once the leader of the Abbey until he stepped down due to  age and health reasons, relinquishing his leadership to the younger Emmanuel. Yet even in retirement he is a devoted church member and dedicated to the people of Machecoul. Peter is close friends with Amalie, who eased his chronic cough years ago. Because of his connections to the church, he is privy to inside information.

Personality: Peter is a kind and gentle old man, very strong in his faith and empathetic to the less fortunate. Respected in town despite his seemingly passive nature, he is not afraid to speak is opinion, and is of the few people who can influence the Abbot. When the Abbot begins to exclude him from the church's inner workings and restricts his access to certain parts of the Abbey, Peter confides with Amalie of his suspicions, perhaps sensing she is more than she appears.

Trivia: He is named after St. Peter

 Peter was inspired by Brother Tang from The Secret of Kells, who is a close confidant of the Abbot in that movie,  and the Archdeacon from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame as the benevolent force in the church opposed to the evil (Especially in the upcoming Nocturne arc)

He carries holy weapons on him  at all times (a consecrated knife, jar of holy water, pouch of salt)

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