Sneak Peak: A Guardian's Promise

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Emma didn't think it unusual that Richter didn't protest when she carried him below deck. He'd been attacked by a sea serpent and nearly drowned overboard, the poor child was in total shock. 

 It did surprise her when after the doctor examined him giving him a clean bill of health, he thanked her for saving his life.

"Oh.....You're welcome. Think nothing of it, family looks out for one another."

Afterwards, they washed separately, dressing into cleaner clothes. Richter followed Emma into the galley, where they brought food to settle his stomach and water for tea. The ship skirted the storm, yet the seas were rough, and the last thing Richter needed on top everything that happened to him was a seasick stomach.

Emma brought dozens of packs of chamomile and cinnamon for tea that was loaded on the ship beforehand. Inside their quarters, Emma steeped the chamomile and water with flame from her palm."Don't tell me you haven't seen elemental magic before?"

" Of course I have." Richter broke his stare. " I can do magic, my mother taught me. She said we were the remaining Belmonts who could."

"Really? That's great." Emma remarked pleasantly surprised. The Speaker bloodline runs strong. Auntie Sypha would be proud. "Can you show me?" Emma snapped her fingers igniting a small flame between her digits. "Like this?"

Richter struggled trying to snap his fingers. "You don't have to do it like me." Emma chuckled. "Every magician has their own way of channeling their powers. Just do yours."

Richter pointed his index and middle finger with a focused look. "It's not working." Emma noted how quickly he gave up. "You've tried before haven't you?"

"Yes." Richter answered terse. " Several times. It doesn't work anymore."

"It's all right, take a deep breath and try again." Emma encouraged. "Empty your mind."

Richter closed his eyes and took a deep breath, focusing only on summoning the flame with pointed fingers. Nothing happened. "See? I've lost it."

"You didn't lose it, magic never goes away once you've learned it. You're having a block. Sometimes it happens when you're stressed, and given the past couple of days, no surprise you might be. It will come back, in time."

"I hope so." He said dejected.

"It will, I promise." Emma reassured. "But for now, don't worry. You've got a Light Mage with you."

Someone politely knocked on the door. "May I come in?"

"Of course." Emma responded amiably. Vance opened the door, wearing his usual dark coat and weathered tricorn. She knew he'd been feeding; his eyes are his regular dark burgundy instead of blood red.

Richter froze stiff like a frightened fawn. "Don't let him in here! Are you crazy!?"

"It's okay Richter." Emma reassured. "Vance isn't going to hurt us. He's my dearest friend and longtime companion."

"How can you be friends with a vampire?" The idea was unfathomable to him!

"It's a long story." Vance laughed. "But she's right. I mean no harm to my Lady or to you. I helped save your life after all." He sat down at the table and yawned, looking out the stormy porthole. "Rough seas. I think it's best you both remain inside until the storm's behind us. Wouldn't want another swimming lesson now would we?" He glinted at Richter with a smirk.

" Kind words of wisdom."Emma shook her head. "Are you staying here?"

"For the time being." Vance watched the swelling waves. "The weather is less than ideal and I've been given enough disgusted looks. You'd think I was a vampire or something."

"Funny Vance."Emma rolled her eyes. "Be careful around the men, okay? They are good people and kind to me, but I wouldn't put it past one to try and stake you with a knife."

"I stay out of their sight most of the time." Vance blinked. "And I don't eat them."

"Then what do you eat?" Richter asked, hiding behind Emma with the whip in his hands.

"Livery." Vance licked his pointed fangs. " The livery's better on this ship than the last one. I feasted on a plump juicy pig. They have an entire section of livestock set aside for me."

"That was really nice of them." Emma said. "Now you don't have to go into Brumation as much."

"Eh I wouldn't call it nice." Vance shrugged. "More like keeping an uncaged tiger fed. Not that I would, I'm very selective about what I eat." He winked at Richter.

The young Belmont wasn't convinced. "I don't want you here." He looked up at Emma. "Make him go away."

"Richter, he's our friend, he wouldn't hurt us."

"Oh I would." Vance clicked his claws on the table. "If I was famished enough, but I make sure to keep well fed to prevent that." The lamplight shone on his burnished eyes. "I know what I am, so does the world outside (and inside) this cabin. I cannot change that, but what I can control is if I want to give into it. We're vampires, but we don't have to be monsters.


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