Whispers in Dreams

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Little Dove,

I feel your wings beat on the wind.

Ever closer to me

Closer to my heart

You are coming home.

"Not home. I'm going to France where I'm needed. Where my family is. You're welcome to join us."


Dearest One

You are neither angel or vampire

But greater than both

Yet what you believe is you are everything that you are not

look inside yourself, my Pride , and 

awaken that strength you've always possessed.


My Dove, why do you doubt yourself?

You have failed no one. 

Betrayed no one

You may hail from divinity and darkness

But your soul is human

And humans make mistakes

Humans learn from them

You already have learned so much


Emmaline, my dearest

You are not to blame for the choices of others

It was never your fault


"If you're going to scry me from God knows how far, could you at least give me some useful information?"


"What the hell is so funny?"

You are your mother's daughter as much as you are mine.


"What crucial  knowledge is worth interrupting my much needed sleep?" 

I love you.

"...........I love you too....Is that it?



Don't let that Belmont get under your skin

My Little Dove. My Emmaline. You are as beautiful as the day you were born.  

My greatest treasure, my heart and soul.

I have watched over you through pain and loss,  through suffering and hardship hating myself I wasn't there to comfort you.

No longer.

I am here now my daughter.

I give you my sword, my strength, my love

and together, with our family beside us

We shall face this Eternal Night 

As one

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