Chapter 15 - Jolly Good

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He walks over to the side of the bed, and can see that I am crying. Immediately, he lays on the bed and engulfs me in a hug, pulling me to his chest.

"Please my dear, what's wrong?" he asks and holds me to his chest as we lay.

I do not respond to him, and he just holds me and lets me cry. He places his head on the top of my head and rubs my back comfortingly. Eventually I pull back from him, and giggle when I see that I have cried onto his shirt.

"Loki... your shirt, I'm sorry" I say.

"It's nothing that can't be easily fixed," he smirks and with a wave of his hand his shirt is back to normal.

"Speaking of fixing...what can I do to help you?" he asks and slides away from me and helps me sit up. "How are you feeling?"

"Do you really need to ask?" I say, and he laughs.

"I guess not." He says and hands me a glass of water, " I was just trying to start a conversation. Would you like to tell me why you are crying?"

I nod tell him everything leading up the explosion; that Sif and were hoping to meet he and Thor and all go into the village for dinner, drinks, and dancing. I tell him that I feel like all of that seems so long ago, and that it might not ever happen again. I tell him how much my side hurts. He tells me about their trip to the other side of Asgard.

"I am upset because we were going to have such a wonderful night, and it ended up so differently" I say and lean into Loki's chest for another embrace.

"Loki, why did you leave me so quickly this morning?" I ask him, and feel him stiffen.

He has moved to where he is facing me, and takes a moment before he answers. He looks at me, and places his hand on my leg.

"Well, I... " he says, " I don't really know."

He gets up from the bed and moves over to look out of the window.

"That's not a very good answer Loki..." I say and kid him. "Did I do something to you?"

"Oh no, not at all!" he exclaims. "I just don't know why I left,. It felt like the right thing to the time." He says and looks at me begging for me to understand. I nod. He moves and sits next to me on the bed.

"Perhaps that is something we can discuss at a later time.." he says and reaches over and touches my hand, "now isn't the best. You need to focus on healing and I will do everything I can to help you."

He gives me the flowers he brought for me, and we spend the next few hours chatting and sharing some of our spells. After a while, Cedrin knocks on the door with some tea and the supplies to change my bandage.

"Oh, your highness.... " he stumbles and bows when he sees Loki sitting on the bed with me.

"Um, Lady F/n, "Cedrin begins, "Eira has asked that I change your bandage, apply some healing balms, and I have brought some tea and cookies for the evening for you. "

"Thank you Cedrin." I turn to Loki, "Loki, this is Cedrin, he is training to be one of Eira's assistants"

"She sent a trainee to care for you?" Loki begins to get angry, "That is not acceptable. I must speak with her at once. You do not lay a hand on her until I have returned. If you will excuse me, love..."

He leaves the room glaring at Cedrin, and as he leaves he makes a comment.

"And I will stop by the kitchens to get some of the chocolate cookies I know are your favorite" and he leaves the room.

"It's ok Cedrin, go ahead and do what you need," I say and roll over to my right side.

"But the Prince will be upset" he says.

"It's fine, I will deal with the Prince." I say and we share a quick laugh.

I move my shirt so he can see the wound and apply the balms. His touch is surprisingly gentle, and makes me feel better already.

"I'm sorry about The Prince, sometimes he gets a little...actually he's usually like that." I say and we laugh. "he is just used handling things a lot differently than some of us might be used to"

"Yes, one of the questions among many court members, is how you and he are such good friends, while your personalities and demeanors are so different"

Cedrin looks at me and almost instantly regrets having said that.

"If you will pardon me, Lady F/n, I didn't mean anything by my words..."

"Hmmm" is all I can respond. I am too surprised at his words and his assessment of Loki.

As Cedrin works on my injury, he asks me questions about growing up with Loki, and how my training is going. He manages to bandage the wound, and suggests that I lay either on my back, or my right side. He will check back later to give me one more round with the healing balms before I must go sleep.

"Thank you Cedrin" I say, and give his hand a squeeze. He blushes

Just as he leaves the room, Loki comes in and sees me sitting and Eira is following behind. She said that Loki has expressed concerns about my care, so checks the bandages and the healing balms. She confirms with Loki that Cedrin did everything perfectly. Loki pulls the blanket up on me and sits opposite me.

"He was not to touch you until I returned!" Loki raises his voice, "These are the healers you want? One that disobeys an order- a direct order from their Prince; that's unacceptable and should not be tolerated."

Eira is stunned to silence; Loki rarely if ever has spoken to her this way.

"Loki, I gave him permission to treat me, my wounds..." I say, "how else is he to learn?"

"He can learn on someone who isn't as import- .... Someone other than you" Loki stops when he realizes that he is close revealing his feelings.

"My apologies Eira, I am still very upset about the entire situation in regards to the explosion since it happened so close to my home and injured two of my dear friends."

Eira bows and takes her leave. I turn to Loki.

"Loki, you can't do that to people,"

"Do what? Expect and demand the best of care for you my lov- friend?" he says, "we have been through so much, and there nothing that I wouldn't do for you and that includes making sure you receive the best care to heal.."

He stops for a moment.

"You can't yell at everyone just because things aren't as you wish or desire, or how you would do something...and you can't continually pull rank on people."

"Dear, you miss one of the fundamental aspects of being a Prince, everyone should be doing everything as I wish or direct..."

"I am too tired and sore to argue about this with you." I say and touch my side as I lay back on the bed with Loki's eyes surveying every inch of me through the blanket.

"May I?" he asks indicating that he would like to see the wound.

Nodding, I move the blanket and hold it as he gently lifts my shirt to look at it. This is the first time he has seen it since helping Frigga heal it in the courtyard. I watch his face to see his reaction, and I can tell that he is doing his best to not show his disgust and shock at how it looks. My whole left side is purple and red, swollen and sore.

This is not something she should be enduring...when I find out who is responsible for this...

"You should have put your court mask on before looking at my injury, Loki" I say. He smirks, and then replaces my shirt and blanket.

There's that feeling again.... I need to speak with Frigga.

"Ummmm, I need to see my mother for a moment, would you excuse me?" he says, and leaves the room very quickly.

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