Chapter 16 - This Feeling is Disgusting

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I know that I have a very confused face expression but decide to let him go. Loki has always been that way, and I just know to expect the unexpected with him. Loki leaves and finds his mother and mine in the grand hall planning a feast for tomorrow. Since Loki helped removed the rubble so quickly, they were able to repair the palace and want to have celebration.

"Mother, may I speak with you?" he says and nods in acknowledgement at my mother.

She looks confused because she figured that Loki would be with me. She leaves them to talk and heads over to check on me.

"What troubles you my son?"

"I think .... I think you were right," he says as he wrings his hands with nervousness, "About my feelings for F/n..."

"Come on... Let's talk son."

She smiles and nods at him and they talk for a very long time. After their lengthy discussion Loki looks confused and shocked that he admitted something, but Frigga looks happy.

"Is that what this feeling is?... Love?" he says and Frigga nods, and touches his face.

"It's disgusting...." He says and they eventually laugh.

Loki goes back to his room for a bit, but he is restless, so he decides that he wants to see me. It's never really bothered him before knowing where I am, safe in my own rooms, but now that he knows I am alone in the healer's ward, he wants to help me and be there for me. Especially if he thinks he loves me, he would want to tell me that as soon as possible so we could start on the path to being together. As Loki slows down his approach to my room he hears shouting and sees that the healers and Eira are running around frantically and shouting orders. Frigga comes running down the hall and sees Loki.

"Mother...what?" Loki asks, and steps in the room.

He can see that I am unconscious and that the left side of the bed is covered in blood. Kathalia comes running into the room screaming, and Loki grabs her to keep her from seeing everything up close.

"Loki? What happened?" she asks.

"I don't know Lady Kathalia, but I will find out."

He enters the room and asks what has happened, and above the chaos in the room, he sees Cedrin in the corner holding vials and white as a ghost.

"Boy! Give me those ..." Loki rips the vials from his hands and reads the contents.

He shows them to Eira and Frigga who immediately find a way to reverse the effects, and stop the bleeding. Once I am stable, Eira, Frigga, Loki and Cedrin go into the hall and see Kathalia. Merila has been left with me for the time being. Loki is furious and begins to yell.

"You Fool! You could have killed her! Explain yourself!"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, Eira, Lady Kathalia, I ... I ...I am so sorry, I didn't know what would happen, these are the balms I was to use..." he holds them out and Frigga and Eira look at them

"No Cedrin, they are not...those are not the ones I instructed you to use" Eira says, "you gave her something that reacted terribly with the balms she is already using. These are the ones you were to use..."

She hands him the correct ones and he is mortified.

"They look so similar.." he says quietly and turns to everyone. "I must have just grabbed the wrong vials... I am so sorry... I didn't mean it.."

"You fool" Loki yells, and Frigga puts her hand on his arm to calm him.

"We will discuss this tomorrow Cedrin, go home and meet us back here tomorrow.." Eira says.

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