Chapter 31 - I Can't Believe That Happened

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That was so odd with Loki; that gaze, him placing his head in my lap, touching the side of my face, playing with my hand, asking me to the ball. He's never shown any interest in me other than a friend, but some of his actions from today show me otherwise; and asking me about how to get attention from another female. Well that's not exactly true; we have been through some things together and we have kissed a time or two. Who knows with him? That has always been something fun about him-his unpredictability. He must just be jealous because of the attention I got from Valdemar, he's always been like that. He always needs to have all of my attention, or so it seems. Casting a shield around my room, I change my clothes and crawl into my bed and fall asleep.

Waking up on the day of the ball, I go for a run around the gardens, and the return for a quick shower. I decide that I will spend most of my day relaxing in the library before it's time to get ready for the ball. It doesn't take long before I am engrossed in a book of poetry, and that I sense that familiar presence again-only slightly stronger. Not that the presence is stronger, the ability to sense him is stronger... Smiling to myself, I know it is Loki, but there is something a little different. I can hear his thoughts more than usual.

She looks so cute sitting there reading, why didn't I ask her to the ball sooner? I wonder if she figured out that it's her...

"Yeah, why didn't you ask me sooner, Your Highness; and figured out what about who?" I turn and see Loki peering at me around a bookcase.

"What do you mean? You heard my thoughts?" he concludes, and I nod."I don't think I like that, and it's nothing really." he says with concern and dread with a pink tinge to his cheeks.

"You look cute when you are embarrassed..." I giggle and thank goodness he does too.

"Well let's see if it works in reverse, see if you can read my thoughts the same way." I challenge him. "I can always teach you to place mind shields."

He knows that I am kidding about teaching him anything, but he doesn't laugh like he usually would. Loki is usually never nervous or hesitant about a task but he seems a little apprehensive right now.

"Ok." He says, and we sit on the couch and stare into each other's eyes.

We turn to face each other on the couch, which is huge and covered in green velvet fabric, and matching blankets and pillows. On more than one occasion I have fallen asleep here while reading or studying. This has always been a favorite spot of ours to sit on and is the same spot we sat yesterday. There's a slight chill in the air, so I pull a blanket to me before we begin. This is odd though, usually in order to read someone's thoughts you have to have contact with them, physical contact at least initially. My mind wanders to our link, but that doesn't feel like it's right. Focusing on Loki who is sitting crossed-leg in front of me, and staring deep into each other's eyes, I begin to think of something silly to see what he can read.

Loki is such a dork, thank the norns he didn't ask me to the dance. I would have had to spend the night trying to get away from him.

"Hey!" he says, "truly?"

Shaking my head, we both burst into giggles, and continue to read each other's thoughts, silly things and then out of nowhere the tone of the room and our game changes. We are the only ones in the library, and Loki's gaze becomes more intense as he reaches up and touches the side of my face. I feel a little jolt of something from his touch.

She's so beautiful. I have always enjoyed spending time with her ever since we first met. I missed her so much while she was away. And then kissing her after our date the other night...

He thinks I am beautiful? His eyes are beautiful when did he become so handsome? Or why have I never noticed? That smile of his! And our kiss...

I reach up and put my hand on top of his.

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