UNO in the Flipside

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CW // nothing, yippee :D

Any for Dave, she/they for Dee, he/him for Steven and Peter

(I only write these out so it isn't confusing to readers on the off-chance they ever see mixed pronouns for the characters. I mostly use 'he' for Dave, but anyone reading can use any pronouns for him idrc ^_^)

Dave whined in pathetic boredom, before attempting to ramble about his kebab preferences again. "Shut it," Peter said before Dave could even start speaking. "You're going to kill us is you keep yapping on about kebabs. How do you even eat them? There's no kebabs here." He added, looking around the Flipside. Dee was wandering from room to room in Peter's layer of the Flipside. She looked through every drawer nearby, as there always seemed to be something new every time she checked again. "Well, maybe we can look for 'em! Like sock puppet over there is doin'!" Dave suggested, standing up to join Dee. Peter shrugged. "Better than sitting around in silence, like Steven over there." He teased. "Hey. Be nice." The suited phone head muttered, looking up momentarily. He was too busy petting BlackJack. Although, said soul (dog?) was too busy sleeping to care, muttering cryptic words under his breath after every snore. "Leave no stone unturned! We will find kebabs!" Dave cheered. And with that, Dee and Dave began looking through the drawers, opening and closing them over and over again to see the new items that appeared.

After around 45 seconds, Dave gasped. "Look! A card game!" He beamed, practically shoving the game into Dee's felty mask of a face. Dee grinned. "Is it playing cards? Like for poker and blackjack?" They wrung their hands together in anticipation. "Wh- Do you know how to play poker?" Peter looked over hastily, sounding distressed.


"What!? Why?! How?!"

"Jack taught me."

Peter stammered. "WHEN?" He exclaimed.

"The day you moved out. I was bored, and I saw a picture of you two playing it at the dinner table."

There was a long silence. Dave coughed awkwardly. "An- Anyways, it's UNO." He muttered. "Aw." Dee hummed, now looking disappointed. "Wanna play anyways?" The aubergine smiled and lifted up the small box. There were a few murmured agreements. Steven gently laid BlackJack over to another spot on the floor and got up to join the others. Dave gave everyone else 7 cards, and somehow managed to pick up only 6 cards for himself without anyone else noticing. "Wait, how do you play UNO?" peter asked, to which Dee groaned. "Really? Peter Kennedy, eldest sibling of the Kennedy family– of Irish descent– DOESN'T know how to play UNO?" She mocked. "Jus' figure it out as you go, phone-face." Dave mumbled and waved a hand at Peter dismissively. This, of course, did not help Peter in the slightest. He just muttered under his breath then went along with the game.

Steven placed down the first card, a green 4. Dee moved to go first, but was stopped by Dave. "What? Youngest goes first, purple weirdo."

"Nuh uh, you're, like, 400."

"I am six years old." Dee said blankly.



"Yeah, sure, you're 400 when I call you a tiny baby, but now you're 6. Real convenient, Deborah."


Peter leaned over to break up the argument. "Well, Dave, how old are you?" Peter interrupted. Dave paused. "Older than Dee." He grumbled after a few seconds of expectant silence. Peter's dial spun once, as if rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Hey!" Dave exclaimed, but quickly let it go. Before another argument could start up, Dee placed down a green 2. Dave, being next to Dee, scoffed and put down a blue 2. Peter was next. He very hesitantly put down a green 6. "Dumbass, try again." Dave teased as he plucked another card from the deck for Peter and discarded to green 6. Peter placed down a blue 8. The game continued.

/// teeny tiny itty bitty time skip \\\

Dee put down a +4. "YOU FELTY BASTARD!" Dave yelled the nano-second Dee placed the card down. "Wha-" Dee stood up. "That's just how you play the game!" She exclaimed. "But why are you being so cruel to me? Poor ol Davey!" He complained, drawing out the 'e' in 'me.' Dee resisted every urge to strangle the walking eggplant. "You- I- Kill yourse- Whatever." Dee gave up and sat back down. Dave rolled his eyes. He never drew four.

/// tiny tiny tiny tiny timeskip \\\

"UNO!" Dave screamed, an echo reverberating through the flipside. Steven groaned and played a card. Peter went next. And then Dee. They placed down a plus 4 again. "WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THESE FROM?" Dave yelled. He grabbed Dee's shoulder and shook the lights out of her. They both giggled and started play-fighting. Dee's noodle limbs playfully slapped against Dave's long neck, which he just laughed about. Steven took this as an opportunity to see everyones cards, as they had all abandoned them with the play fight. (Dee and Dave fighting, Peter scrambling to stop them and focus.) Steven slipped a few cards into Peter's stack, a few into Dee's and switched Dave's winning card into one of a different color.

Once everyone had calmed down, the game resumed.

Peter lost completely and entirely, Dave got second place, and Dee ended up with the most 'special' cards. Steven won. "You barely did anything this whole time, how did you even deserve to win?" Dave grumbled. "You're just shoddy at UNO." Steven shrugged, cleaning up the cards and neatly organizing them into the small box again. "Screw you!" Dave exclaimed, and got up to mess with Steven.

Another petty argument started.

After that, the group never tried to play card games with each other again.


Kind of a shorter chapter, BUT I have a lot more ideas. The ADHD is finally mingling with the autism in my brain and making me go "must write now now now now get it done done now must write now now gay pixels now write write write now"


And I am (very) pathetically asking for comments. They fuel me. RAHHH

If I missed a CW/TW, please let me know so I can fix it ASAP. It's not an issue and I would much rather "overtag" than accidentally trigger someone else. (Also, nothing's "stupid." If someone needs a tag, I'll add it.)

Word count: 1043

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