The beach

194 3 30

CW // none, maybe some implied/referenced dysphoria?

Dee is human here because...(gasp!!) I said so. She's like psychically 10, but still has her knowledge of lore and stuff idk. It would just be weird keeping her as the puppet. But Peter still has a phone head. Yeah. I know it doesn't make sense shushshushsuhsuhsuhsuhsuhush


Y'know, maybe it was a mistake to bring Dave to the Kennedy Family Beach Trip.

"Dave, no, don't splash me-!" Dee shrieked at the aubergine. Obviously, the purple man decided to splash a huge wave onto her, enjoying as she screeched and hollered. Dee slipped on the sand beneath her, and came crashing down. Dave cackled and tried helping them up, but a wave amounted over and slammed them both down. "Gah, fuck-" Dave coughed and spat some seawater out of his mouth. Dee angrily splashed him over and over with the tiny waves she could make with her hands.

Meanwhile, Peter and Jack were sitting on the towel they had pinned into the sand. Peter was reading some book and Jack was staring at Dee and Dave. "Aren't you going to get into the water?" Peter asked, looking over. "Aren't you?" Jack smiled. "Touche." The two sat in silence for a moment. "Wait, why don't you want to go into the water?" Jack shifted in his seat, now sitting 'criss-cross-applesauce.'

"Well, firstly, phone head. I don't know what'll happen if it gets soaked in water, but I don't want to find out. Secondly, there's absolutely horrendous creatures in the ocean and you couldn't PAY me to step in there." Peter made a scoff noise through his receiver. "Seriously? The only 'horrendous' creatures in there are harmless. Like crabs and stuff." Jack gestured to the ocean, where Dee was yanking at Dave's gross and wet hair and pushing him face-first into the water. "Absolutely not. There's eels and- and worms, and have you heard of a rock firsh?" Peter sat up straight, his dial spinning in distress. "What the hell is a rock fi-"

"It's a fish. With the look and texture of coral or a rock. And if you get too close to it, it'll bite your ankles clean off. I am NOT getting into any body of water that has even a slim chance of that...thing...being in there."

Peter shuddered. Jack pointed and laughed before his brother 'glared' at him. He simply stared at him and spun his dial once. "Well, why don't you go into the water?" Peter asked. Jack pursed his lips together and crossed his arms. "No reason." He mumbled. The phone headed one paused. "...Jack, you know nobody cares, right?" Peter put down his book. "Dave doesn't know." Jack stared off at Dave, who was acting like he was helping Dee swim, but was actually shoving her deeper into the water. "He really won't care." Peter passed Jack a small Tupperware container of grapes. "Thanks." He murmured before picking up a grape and chomping it. He stood up, stretched, and yanked Peter up. "Wait, what are you doing-?" Peter stammered.

"Dave!" Jack yelled out. Dave stopped terrorizing Dee and turned around instantly like a soldier. "It's time." Jack grinned. The aubergine grinned right back and rushed over to where Peter and Jack were. "No, no, no- Hey-! Let me go-!" Peter struggled and tried prying his brother off, to no avail. The two skittle men were already dragging Peter out into the water. Dee was giggling yanking him into the water too. "No-!" The phone-headed man was making garbled static noises before the group let him stand in shoulder-length water. "I don't like this. Get me out of here." He said loudly, frantically keeping the wire connecting to his receiver above water. "This makes me incredibly uneasy and- GAH!" He flinched as he felt something brush against his foot. "What was that!?" He shrieked. "It was a pebble, dumbass!" Dave laughed before he went under and grabbed a pebble to throw it at Peter. "Hey-! That's it, I'm getting out!" Peter huffed and grumbled as he sauntered out.

"Boo, you suck!" Dave jeered. Jack picked up Dee and put her on his shoulders. Dave turned around a smiled...maliciously. "Don't you dare." Jack dead-panned. He took a step back, and Dee wobbled a bit. Dave stepped forward. "You look like Matt. Stop it." Jack's warned, holding up a finger.

Dave pushed the two over.

They fell with a huge splash.

"You prick!" Jack quickly placed Dee aside and tackled Dave into the water. The two fought for a long time until the 'youngest' pulled them apart. Dave coughed up some seawater. "Why are ya so rough, Sportsy..." Dave jokingly pouted. Jack stuck out his tongue.


Word count: 774

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