18] Party of Volcra

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Jesper handed the documents to the man sitting at the checkpoint

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Jesper handed the documents to the man sitting at the checkpoint. His arm was wrapped around Diena's waist, "I know. I look amazing for my age." Jesper smiled

"Well I thought you looked older." the man replied and Diena had to hide her smile, the man looked over to her, "Ma'am I'll need to see your documents."

"I'm afraid I don't have them." Diena replied, she leaned towards the table, lowering her voice, "My father has them, we still haven't told him about...us."

Jesper nodded, "You wouldn't rip apart this marriage would you? Truth be told her father hates me. We just want to be free, help a guy out would you?"

The man at the checkpoint cleared his throat, "It's fine. You're safe to go on."

Diena smiled, "Thank you."

Jesper tipped his hat as they walked on, "I'm gonna need to wash my mouth out." Jesper said and Diena nodded, faking that they were married for even a second made her feel violently ill

Kaz and Inej followed after them, but the four of them stopped when the whispering around them grew louder, they turned to see Kirigan and Alina walking out of a tent. Kaz's jaw clenched as he looked over at his crew, more specifically Inej.

Inej nodded, "I know. Not until Novokribirsk."

With that, they turned and boarded the Skiff. Making their way to a quite corner away from everyone else. The General and the Summoner were soon to board as well.

"Good news? It's just as terrifying as I remember." Jesper said

Inej agreed, "Except this time we're exposed."

"If I'm meant to die today." Jesper muttered as they could hear the Volcra from inside the Fold, "And either of you three survive, make sure I have an open casket."

Diena let out a humourless chuckle, she really hated the fold, "I didn't turn your ring white. Don't do it to me."

Jesper nodded as he took Diena's hand. The pair couldn't live without each other it would be like a part of their hearts were ripped out. Having to look at a white ring knowing it wouldn't turn blue or purple again was quite honestly their worst fear.

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