40] Negotiations

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Ryder was one very hard man to find

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Ryder was one very hard man to find. He disappeared just as easily as he appeared. If he wasn't in the Den or the Hide then there was no finding him, unless he needed to be found by the Snake. 

Then he was more than happy to let her find him. 

"So who are we looking for?" Jesper asked as he walked behind Diena, he insisted on coming with her, not letting her out of his sight once. And Diena wasn't going to protest that. 

His sister just smiled at him, "One of my Snakes. You haven't met him. He...likes to hide." 

"We've been here." Wylan said as he pointed towards a sign on one of the walls. And the Merchling was right. 

Diena would find it awkward, being stuck with Jesper and his ex lover. But she wasn't one for awkwardness, "We have, well done. But I don't find him, that's not how he works."  

"What?" Jesper asked, "You're his boss." 

Wylan jumped when a snake slithered from a crack in the wall, straight towards Diena. She just smiled as she leaned down and the snake wrapped itself around her hand and up her wrists, tightening as if stayed in its position, "He finds us."  


A door opened and a blonde haired man walked into the darkness of Ketterdam, "Ryder." Diena greeted. 

Ryder was one of Rina's recruits, she personally found him and brought him to Diena. He kept a snake, so she saw it as fate. 

"Rhea with you?" Diena asked and Ryder just nodded, "I need you." 

Ryder looked over Diena's shoulder and saw Kaz hovering in the back, hands resting on his crow cane, "Bastard. What's the job?"  

"Breaking into the Ice-Court." Diena shrugged as if it was nothing 

Before Ryder even had a chance to reply they heard laughing and the second blonde came out of the building, "Oh boss, come on." Rhea stepped into the streets, shutting the door behind her, "You can't break into that place." 

"Not without a Fjerdan." Ryder realised, as the snake that had coiled around Diena's wrists, made its way back down her hand and onto Ryder's when he held his hand out, "I do hate to disappoint you, Boss. But I've never been. Neither's Rhea." 

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