A million memories of us: A forgotten first kiss

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A\N: This is the second JIBBS oneshot of the series, I hope you enjoy this one Angels.

Oneshot 2 title: A forgotten first kiss

Oneshot 2 summary: Their first kiss was undercover in a nightclub.

POV: Third person.

Chapter count: 1.

The Director of NCIS is sitting in her study, working on the case files she's been putting off for the better part of two weeks when her green eyes catch the golden border of a picture frame. It's one of the only pictures she has of her and Jethro kissing as themselves, not their undercover aliases. It was taken in a Parisian nightclub by Decker in 1999. When she was in that nightclub in Paris, it took her back to her first kiss with Jethro, a kiss which had all but erased from her memory as soon as it happened, but in moments like these, it often sneaks up on her. The forgotten first kiss as she refers to it being, happened in a nightclub in downtown Georgetown. She had only been an agent for a month before her first undercover job happened. Tears well up in her eyes as she remembers that night her forgotten first kiss with Jethro.

Probationary NCIS Special Agent Jennifer Shepard throws another dress onto her unmade bed with a growl. She's only been at NCIS a month and already she's being sent undercover at a nightclub, with her boss no less! Her boss who hates her. Grabbing the last dress in her massive closet, she looks at herself in her floor length mirror: the black is short and just about covers her thighs with a low V neck plunging down in between her breasts. She sighs as she puts her dress on, quickly does her makeup, grabs her gold jewellery and puts on her black stilettos before brushing her hair out of the ponytail it's been in. She stares at herself and smiles at herself before leaving her room, grabbing her badge, her knife, purse and jacket on the way out of the door. She hopes Gibbs approves of her outfit.

She arrives at the office and ignores all the looks she's getting from her co-workers, particularly the male ones. Have none of them seen a girl in a short dress with a low V neck and wearing heels? She asks herself as she steps into the elevator. She's the only one in the elevator which she's thankful for. It was awful walking through the parking lot and lobby and having every agent stop and look at her like a pack of hungry lions wanting their dinner. The doors open to the third floor of the building and the young agent steps out, walking into their part of the massive bullpen, rolling her eyes as every agent in her vicinity staring at her as she walks by. She puts her purse and jacket on the back of her desk chair, turning around and glaring at Stan Burley when he wolf whistles at her. "You look hot, Red." He says. Jenny growls at her co-worker. "Burley, just because you can't see them, doesn't mean I don't have my gun or my knife. Now shut up before I shoot or stab you with either of them." She says sharply. Burley just looks at her in disbelief. "You're wearing a short dress with a low cut, where the hell are you hiding a gun and a knife?" He asks her. Jenny just rolls her eyes. "Somewhere only the three of you will only see in your wettest of dreams." She says, looking from Burley to Decker and Gibbs. They all nod and she grins at them. "Good."

They've been dancing and drinking in the club for 3 hours and are out on the dance floor dancing when she spots their suspect entering the club. She has her arms around his neck and pulls herself closer to him so she can talk to him in his ear. "Suspect heading our way." She practically shouts in his ear over the music. Gibbs nods subtlety, indicating that he's heard her.

Then he does something completely unexpected: he lowers his lips to hers. Her boss kisses her once: softly but quickly, so quickly it feels like it's never happened. He removes his lips and puts them at her ear, his warm breath making her shiver. "I had to do that, at least once." He says before he walks away from her and towards the bar where their suspect is ordering a drink, leaving alone on the dance floor in a sea of dancing bodies, the music pounding all around her. She stares after him, even when she can no longer see him, wanting to follow him and demand answers: why did he kiss her? What did it mean? Did it mean anything if it did mean something? But she doesn't for three reasons: 1, she doesn't want to interrupt him while he's getting friendly with the suspect, 2, she knows if she does question him and demand answers she'll get them from him and 3, she decides that he probably didn't know what he was doing when he kissed her. They've been drinking a lot over the last four hours and he didn't know why he kissed her. Jenny decides that she'll forget about the kiss as they've both been drinking and are undercover and when she looks around her, half of the people are making out so she decides he did it to blend in with the people around her. Yes, she'll forget that her boss kissed her, forget that it ever happened, and prays that her boss does too. 

It's better to forget.

Jenny comes out of the memory with her eyes fixed on the photo in front of her. At first, it was hard to forget that her boss kissed her, but over time when it was clear that her boss wasn't going to bring it up, it got easier to forget, but it appeared at the forefront of her mind sometimes but she didn't mind it, it was nice to relive their forgotten first kiss every once in a while.

A/N: I hope you Angels enjoy this one, just a quick reminder, because of my learning difficulties, there might be mistakes that I'm not aware of. Please don't flame or judge me because I have no control over it. This oneshot is a little bit longer. I'm handwriting oneshot number 9 right now  so when that is done, it will be typed and published, enjoy my Angels. 

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