A million memories of us: The argument: Jenny's POV

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A\N: This is part 2 of the argument from Jenny's POV. I hope you all enjoyed Gibbs's POV and now will enjoy Jenny's POV.

Oneshot 9 title: The argument: Jenny's POV

Oneshot 9 summary: Gibbs and Jen have an argument in the bullpen of MCRT

POV: Third person

Chapter count: 1.

During her days as Gibbs' probie and as his boss, they've had over a thousand arguments, some stupid, some that lasted for days, some that they took down to the gym and sparred with each other until their argument was gone. All their arguments live rent free in her head but for some reason, their argument in the bullpen when she was a probie still hits her when it wants to.

During her days as Gibbs' probie and as his boss, they've had over a thousand arguments, some stupid, some that lasted for days, some that they took down to the gym and sparred with each other until their argument was gone. All their arguments live rent free in her head but for some reason, their argument in the bullpen when she was a probie still hits her when it wants to.

She can't believe this! She's pissed at her for taking off the case because she's getting 'personally involved' in the case. Who does he think he is? She thinks to herself as she leans against the break room island. He pulled her from the case because she was getting 'too involved.' She scoffs. Like he hasn't gotten personally involved in a case. She thinks angrily.

The case involves an 8 year old boy who was beaten, drugged, raped, murdered and dumped in a dumpster like a piece of trash, excuse her for acting like a human being instead of like an unemotional bastard like her boss. She groans as she looks at the clock that's housed on the wall she's staring at. It's been half an hour since she stormed out of the bullpen after telling Gibbs he'd won their argument and she'd stay out of this case. She closes her eyes and yawns. She woke up at 0458 this morning thanks to her cell phone ringing with a call from Gibbs telling her to get her ass to the dumpster in Maryland. She's exhausted and just wants to curl up on her couch with a glass of wine and a book. Deciding that she's no use here to her team with being pulled from the case, she leaves the break room and walks back into the bullpen, making a beeline for her desk. She's only just starting grabbing her stuff when she hears her boss' voice. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks her sharply, Jenny just huffs and continues packing her stuff. "I thought it was obvious. I'm going home, seeing as I'm off the case, I don't see any reason to stick around." She answers, visions of her curled on her couch with a book and a glass of wine on her coffee table filling her head. Her boss looks at her with a look of annoyance as he stands up from his desk throwing her the sharpest glare she'd ever been given as he does so. "I don't think so, Shepard." Her boss' tone of voice is firm, much like her fathers was when he was reprimanding her for something. Jenny opens her mouth to say something bitchy. How dare you?! She snaps at her boss mentally. But he holds up a hand to prevent her, she snaps her mouth closed, biting her tongue. Gibbs sighs as he looks at her. 

"Look, Shepard, when I pull you from a case, it doesn't give you the right to pack up and go home, is that understood?" Gibbs asks her firmly, Jenny nods and sits down, putting her bag behind her desk. "Good, now you'll be working cold cases until this case is solved." He tells her as he takes a file off his desk and hands it to her. Jeny groans as she rips open the file and begins reading.

Note to self: don't argue with Gibbs because you won't win.

The redheaded former agent comes out of the memory with a laugh. While she remained to get personally involved in some cases, she didn't argue about being benched and something being benched had its advantages, most of the time.

A\N: This two parter is finished and it's a little past midnight over here in the UK. I hope you Angels have enjoyed this one, I will have one, maybe two more oneshots published today, depending on how good my attention span is later on. Have a good day, Angels. 

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